- As backdoors do Windows (Microsoft COFFEE – http://is.gd/4QGwH , só para a polícia) já estão pela Internet http://is.gd/4QGwH #
- Sim, a Microsoft tem um método de obter as password utilizadas no seu sistema para ajudar a polícia. Quem não previu que isto aconteceria?:) #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-06
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-05
- ♺ @blizzard: The Pirate Party picks up a second seat in European Parliament: http://bit.ly/qiz0f #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-04
- @sbillaudelle it’s going to be better to have threads if you’re gonna be able to have multiple active accounts 🙂 #
- Smart Q7 with LXDE is really slick, too bad I forgot my 3G card at home… #
- O que os nossos queridos governantes estão a fazer para proteger as editoras: http://www.boingboing.net/2009/11/03/secret-copyright-tre.html #
- It’s bad… very bad… #
- Trying out the Smart Q7’s default system based on !ubuntu #karmic #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-03
- http://clix.exameinformatica.pt/quando-a-cibercensura-faz-lei=f1003924 #
- Um excelente artigo sobre alguns dos problemas da lei 109/2009 de 15 de Setembro, vulgo Lei do Cibercrime: http://is.gd/4LUHB #
- @bugabundo podes estar a incorrer em anos de cadeia por divulgar a password de root dos iPhones 😉 #
- !elmdentica is moving from account config from gconf to sqlite3, resulting in more detailed account edits. Also… some offline content. #
- I don’t know when the next !elmdentica release will come out, but things are shaping up relatively nicely, so maybe soon-ish… #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-02
- ♺ @karsten: BE: Walloon Region parliament to ban #Firefox in favour of… er… IE6? http://ur1.ca/eyi0 #d’oh #
- ♻ @glynmoody “EU Wants to Re-define “Closed” as “Nearly Open” – http://bit.ly/37w7Hb” #WTF #AW-SH! #
- @jwildeboer it would be a scandal if it were published like that! #