- @bugabundo: told you so hehe great film, but lousy story #avatar #
- @ndantas: ya a musica do #avatar no generico final e´foleira … mas pandora e´de babar … #
- Esta noite fomos perseguidos por um audi de matricula 89-19-TZ q eventualmente leu algo q ninguem escreveu. #
- Chamando a policia dado q nos queriam interpolar algo agressivamente, felizmente decidiram q era melhor n ter de explicar o q queriam fazer. #
- E la fugiu o casal com comportamento qui ça algo alcoolizado sem mais acontecer, felizmente. #
- Are you helping #mysql ? Please subscribe http://www.helpmysql.org/ #
- @rhk how hard did you find #1024 fix to be balanced with how skilled you are at soldiering? !freerunner !openmoko #
- ♺ @JMF1957: 2010, la esperanza: Internet móvil, genómica, software libre y tecnología ecológica ( Ciberp@ís http://tinyurl.com/ylff73c ) #
- ♺ @PartidoPirataPT: Efeitos especiais de “Avatar” processados por servidores a correrem GNU/Linux http://bit.ly/5VZKfa #
- ♺@czorrinho: RT@paujoral RT @ideahive A Culture of Innovation is the Key to Our Future http://bit.ly/6LVJld Innovation is about Shareability #
- ♺@pietercolpaert http://ur1.ca/irm0 Chinese #Censorship Apple removes iphone apps with Dalai Lama quotes #
- @wgreenhouse: it’s not theft, it’s copyright infringement of !gnu software. please don’t use the language of the enemy! 🙂 #
- ♺ @noasol: Happy !GNU year !ansol! #
- @wgreenhouse: well, unless all the original Free Software copies are distroyed in the same act, it’s not destruction. #
- @wgreenhouse: but I do agree that it’s sad to see free software perverted into lockin-ware !gnu #
- exciting new !elmdentica feature for next release, hold 1 s on icon to zoom in #
- and I’m thinking of a way to enlarge (No, NOT that) the messages list area … #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-12-29
- @bugabundo: gostaste do #avatar ? eu adorei o mundo criado mas a historia … meh … e vi duas vezes para babar mais. #
- @bugabundo: vai ver o #avatar em 3d para valer a pena e presta mais atencao aos detalhes maravilhosos q a historia banal e + q vista. #
- os 3d dao profundidade e realismo delicioso aos cenarios no #avatar sem os 3d fica demasiado cartoon-ish #
- de facto #evaristo ♺ @ipublicis: @ruiseabra: Parabéns ao carlos pela persistência !pt !ansol #
- what do you know … I´m finding !elmdentica more usable than ever, on my !freerunner #
- considering to write a simple browser for small screens with elementary and webkit efl !freerunner as all others waste screen and speed. #
- @celso: ve o lado positivo, pelo menos nao disseram que tinha dado a luz … #
- displaying 50 messages from #twiter and #identica VIRT/RES/SHR of !elmdentica is 33272/11m/4984 not bad… could be better… #
- @pietercolpaert: not right now. in bed trying to get sleepy… #
- @pietercolpaert: meh almost gone sleep is finally starting to win … #
- good night ye all #
- Oracle’s refusal to answer the EC convinced me it wants to neutralize the MySQL threat. I support http://www.helpmysql.org and hope you do to. #
- A Polícia existe para proteger a ordem e os inocentes, e não os prevaricadores. Se era uma ocupação pacífica a PSP foi uma vergonha #bpp #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-12-28
- ♺@glynmoody: Home copying e-books with #drm – http://bit.ly/5nECKa excellent review of the murky legal situation #ebooks #
- Software Livre português de origem 🙂 ♺ @igama: Evaristo 4 RC1 com SAFTv2 acabadinho de sair : http://2tu.us/1bg1 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-12-27
- O Cinema City do Campo Pequeno juntou-se aos cinemas da Zon Lusomundo na minha lista de nunca mais voltar. #
- Agora volta e meia têm intervalos não anunciados. #
- Mas não só isso como quando fui reclamar o gerente, Jorge Pires, deixou-me à seca quase meia-hora para ir buscar o livro de reclamações. #
- E trouxe-me um interno, quando lhe tinha pedido o livro de reclamações oficial. #
- E depois ainda me tentou dissuadir alegando que tem uma irmã que é juíza. #
- Da última vez que isto aconteceu, o argumento era que o ICAP depois me iria punir… #
- Algo que não me deveria ter tomado mais do 5 minutos demorou um total de quase 40 minutos, com repercussões pessoais chatas. #
- Por isso eu vou passar a boicotar a entrada nos cinemas Cinema City do Campo Pequeno enquanto o senhor Jorge Pires lá trabalhar… #
- … e depois queixam-se de que as pessoas vão menos ao cinema… #
- Depois chego a casa para descobrir que os gatos estiveram por cima do portátil e tentaram fazer login… vá lá não estragaram nada 🙂 #
- @bkuhn did you submit them early enough? I guess they get more and more talk requests, choosing may be a problem… #
- boa noite … #
- ok ,this time for real. #
- ♺ @jmcesteves: TSA security theatrics: "I put some security restrictions on top of your security restrictions": http://is.gd/5D8kS #
- @bugabundo I have a very pleasent experience with #rhythmbox on my !ubuntu laptop. #
- @glynmoody a nice read from @ppinheiro76: trying to explain why no single copies or limited editions of his photography: http://j.mp/87M8yl #
- with an annoying bug in !elmdentica #
- argh tomorrow there is work to do. the main issue is that it’s just uninteresting work … #
- ♺ @rgrilo: Happy 105th birthday #PeterPan! Don’t worry, you’re as young as you’ve allways been… 😉 Wikipedia: http://is.gd/5DlcZ #
- @jwildeboer probably, but maybe for sure in 2014 🙂 #
- oh wait, JM Barrie died in 1937, so +70 gives a couple of years of public domain? #
- perhaps in Portugal, Peter Pan’s already in the public domain 🙂 #
- yawn #
- @evan did #identi.ca http responses drop content-lenght? bug in a new #statusnet version? Giving me some trouble with libcurl in !elmdentica #
- @evan http://pastebin.com/f4ec250c9 #
- ♺ @joaomiranda: Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa considera ASAE inconstitucional http://ur1.ca/ils5 #
- @evan I coded a workaround as described in http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2009-02/0231.html anyways… #
- !elmdentica 0.8.0 is out! http://is.gd/5DFRH #
- @pandark really, the best for MID is e17 ‘s illume profile. #
- @trmanco tv rip ilegal? LOL, então todos aqueles aparelhos e cassetes com a sigla VHS eram quê? 🙂 #
ElmDentica 0.8.0 is out!

I’ve just release ElmDentica 0.8.0 with a bit more polished screens and exciting new features:
- you can have more than one account, and if you have many accounts, only a few of them enabled or disabled quickly.
- you have a messages and posts cache (albeit the last one is still incomplete)
So there you go, download if you’re too impatient to wait for SHR-unstable to update 🙂
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-12-26
- New accounts list for !elmdentica: http://is.gd/5BwCR #
- Bad gwibber… bad. 🙂 #
- @pietercolpaert: so good to know that , what happened ? !elmdentica !freerunner #
- @pietercolpaert: so you’re getting a new !freerunner ? #
- I guess this is it, for now. !elmdentica is just about good enough for a release for #shr !freerunner #
- ♺ @slashdot: NetBIOS Design Allows Traffic Redirection [link] #
- nice, just found a new bug on repeating messages with links in !elmdentica #
- ♺ @joaop: Temos sete feriados religiosos, porque não acabar com os feriados das Nossas Senhoras? #
- ♺ @ExpressoOnline: O português que já venceu dois Óscares : Carlos de Mattos é o único português que já ganhou Óscares http://bit.ly/7CMnu4 #
- citacoes fora de contexto dao nestas gralhas hehe #
- The terrorists are winning, I’m now with the dread of flying stuck to a chair with nothing to do for an hour: http://is.gd/5CvG1 (NY Times) #
- @bkuhn: better to immitate don Corleone, beware of horse heads ! #
- I guess I’m going to FOSDEM’10 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-12-23
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-12-22
- ♺ @schestowitz: #Microsoft #Word em vias de ser banido #swpat http://boycottnovell.com/2009/12/22/lawsuits-infringement-vs-word/ #
- ♺ @rcweir: Microsoft looses appeal on i4i patent. Sucks that the OOXML text refers to “custom xml” over 1,000 times. http://bit.ly/73pfU4 #
- @jwildeboer have you looked at #txter ? #
- @jwildeboer #txter seems to match your 3 requirements (but I don’t know how well it does the first two). #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-12-21
- contra 3-strikes: ♺ @stephenfry: Now THAT’s a competition. Don’t sign the petition – SING it http://www.dontdisconnect.us/sing-our-petition/ #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-12-16
- E o zealota sou eu? ♺ @schestowitz: #Microsoft Says Selling #FreeSoftware is Not Legal, Prepares to Sue Over It http://ur1.ca/hztp #
- OMFG da bomb’s just arrived in mah inbox… #