- New accounts list for !elmdentica: http://is.gd/5BwCR #
- Bad gwibber… bad. 🙂 #
- @pietercolpaert: so good to know that , what happened ? !elmdentica !freerunner #
- @pietercolpaert: so you’re getting a new !freerunner ? #
- I guess this is it, for now. !elmdentica is just about good enough for a release for #shr !freerunner #
- ♺ @slashdot: NetBIOS Design Allows Traffic Redirection [link] #
- nice, just found a new bug on repeating messages with links in !elmdentica #
- ♺ @joaop: Temos sete feriados religiosos, porque não acabar com os feriados das Nossas Senhoras? #
- ♺ @ExpressoOnline: O português que já venceu dois Óscares : Carlos de Mattos é o único português que já ganhou Óscares http://bit.ly/7CMnu4 #
- citacoes fora de contexto dao nestas gralhas hehe #
- The terrorists are winning, I’m now with the dread of flying stuck to a chair with nothing to do for an hour: http://is.gd/5CvG1 (NY Times) #
- @bkuhn: better to immitate don Corleone, beware of horse heads ! #
- I guess I’m going to FOSDEM’10 #