- Learning how to mock packages up so I can start buildin some e17 rpms #
- “No to SWIFT agreement” makes news on Portuguese “SIC Notícias” tv channel. BE, PCP, PS and PSD were against it, great! Sadly PP in favour. #
- I know how to make rpms and cause a make dist to happen, I just want to know if someone has already written a small script to offload work. #
- Dear !fedora are there any tools to automate fetching the source from path with autotools without polluting the devel environment? #
- Manuel Alegre diz que há liberdade de expressão em Portugal. Não leu a constituição. #fail. #
- Há mais que antes de 1974. Certo. Mas muito menos que, por exemplo, nos EUA. #
- rt @albanrampon: Packages on !Fedora build sytem for !ARM http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/ #
- #Pidgin is really an awesome program to concentrate IM, mu-blog anad irc on low resource machines with a bigger screen #