- Ok, User timeline also works ok on !elmdentica, just trying it out with an account with no difference between user and friends timelines. #
- #unexpected and #weird ♺ @schestowitz: #Google Supports Tor, #Android Offers #Tor #Anonymity http://ur1.ca/oivi http://ur1.ca/oivj #
- @zach: i’m enjoying Caprica but I don’t know how much longer it’ll be in the air if it doesn’t pick up steam… #
- @floschi: you can tell @jwildeboer about it 😉 #
- ♺ @paulopedroso: A ler. RT @vascocampilho: Li e Gostei: The Portuguese economy is more flexible than the U.S. http://ow.ly/16JmuJ #
- Tragic! Nexuiz getting a nonfree fork and stealing the name: http://www.alientrap.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6043 !gnu !freesoftware #
- @toopaz I believe you are unfamiliar with the history of Apple vs Microsoft, right? Young, are you? Right? #
- @jwildeboer I’d prefer a better one, one where the maker isn’t «disinclined» to fix bugs. Worst problem of OLPC hw is probably wifi card. #
- ♺@samadeu: Proposta antipirataria do Governo inglês é derrotada na Câmara dos Lordes http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/8549112.stm #
- @jwildeboer but the godawful bug that it *never* powers down is a serious energy drainer. «Marvell’s disinclined to fix this bug» from wiki #
- ♺ @mjnalmeida: “HACKED BY NEO” http://bit.ly/aNgDDR #
- !elmdentica now allows choosing your preferred browser and supports public, user and friends timelines. Also a bit faster, uses more EFL. #