- @bkuhn 3/14 at 16h? 🙂 (btw, that’s my marriage date-time, 2y now). #
- @gbraad yeah, wedding cake had a π drawn on it, and I played some puredata music based upon π up till a million decimal case 🙂 #
- Neste dia Mundial dos Direitos do Consumidor, aproveitem para exigir a possibilidade de comprar os computadores sem comprar o Windows. #
- Aqui: http://www.consumidor.pt/ #
- No, I’m not your %”$#%&” little toy soldier. If I liked stupid orders, I’d be in the army. #
- My apologies to army people, I should not have compared you as you’re way wiser in your decision in comparison. #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Brazil Starts Public Consult On Retaliation Against US IP Rights – http://bit.ly/aTea6i what happened to Antigua? #us #brazil #
- @gbraad I just hate people with drill sargeant mentality. Best. Way. To. Make. Me. Not. Care. 🙂 #
- receitas da edição DVD (taxa cobrada p/IGAC, cuja utilização é desconhecida, e que na última década significou dezenas de milhões de euros) #
- Portuguese cinema people complain about tax on media: unknown use/destination, should be used to finance portuguese cinema art. #
- Check petition on «MANIFESTO PELO CINEMA PORTUGUÊS» http://s3g.me/6ek #
- Amanhã, Seminários IST de 2010 onde participo no debate sobre Software Livre às 11:30 http://tr.im/S0yJ Infelizmente só mesmo nessa hora 😐 #
- Possible killer feature for #status.net: p2p protocol like bittorrent with dht #
- @gbraad would probably be harder to denial of use, no? #