- ♺ @jwildeboer: Airlines like KLM, Lufthansa question the grounfing. Their testflights shpw no problem. Its all based on computer simulation. #
- @floschie: I see no #conspiracy in #ashcloud. To me it’s a new situation the planes weren’t tested for adequacy. #
- @floschie: But of course, as George Orwell taught us, some animals are more equal than the others 😉 #
- Muita propaganda à TV3D na SIC mas omitem os sistemas incompatíveis entre si e mentem quanto à qualidade da imagem, muito pior que no cinema #
- @rejon: Here in “russia” 😉 we have a very good helper for sore feet… Port Wine. Get well soon! #
- @jwildeboer: woah… is that a joke about the #ashcloud or is it so dense it did dirty your neat Prius? #
- @jwildeboer: oh you nasty evil dutch! 😉 #
- @lxoliva: Android is FLOSS, but it’s a perfect example of how bad non-copyleft FLOSS can get WRT user rights & freedoms. #
- @lxoliva: ok, you’re right about the non-Free kernel Linux, but I’m going beyond those tiny percentage of bytes. #
- @lxoliva: Indeed. Sadly those who hate copyleft don’t care about the freedom of other users, to say the least. #