- There’s always a mixture between fear and pride when one logs into a machine and sees: up 1397 days, 58 min #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Open Source Drug Discovery – http://bit.ly/9lpDhw #India shows how pharma should be done: in the open, collaboratively #drugs #
- Lembra-me o Imposto Microsoft: “there’s a term for requiring that a customer buy one product in order to be allowed to buy another: tying” #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: Remember SUNs ODF Plugin for MSFT Office? Used to be free? Guess what. ORCL thinks different. http://is.gd/bzlkj 90US$ now #
- #Oracle, you *so* don’t understand this business: charging 65€ for 100 #ODF Plugin for MSFT Office is a shot to the foot. http://is.gd/bzlkj #
- @glynmoody: that is so wrong. the only thing that happened is that a few solutions are now part of a governmental catalogue. #
- @glynmoody: unfortunately those news are nothing interesting, quite the opposite. Now they create the image that the problem is solved. #
- @glynmoody it is now made worse, because it seems like the problem is solved, but in fact not only it isn’t, it raises the bar for entrance. #
- @glynmoody: you know the expression “worse than insecurity is the illusion of security”? It’s the same thing. #
- @glynmoody: It has always been available and approved (never forbidden nor approval required) but now it seems like suddenly it is. #
- @glynmoody: In my point of view it is a sham now made worse. #
- @glynmoody: quite the opposite of progress if now the message is “it’s approved if it comes by the official channel”. It’s so much worse. #
- @glynmoody: only difference is that a few select companies are in the catalogue. really! but the message is “problem solved for PA in PT”. #
- @glynmoody: they’re not, I’m convince they will only get better when we go bankrupt like Iceland (Smari’s blog, now offline, sadly) #
- Smari’s site about how Microsoft Skull Fucked Iceland is gone http://is.gd/bzpEs can anyone publish a personal copy of this article plz?thx #
- It’s not on http://www.archive.org (already tried there). #
- Found a mirror of Smari’s article here (good read, IMHO, Portugal needs bankrupcy to get it’s IT fixed): http://is.gd/bzq1d #
- @glynmoody: When the current government doesn’t even bother to reply to meeting requests about an illegal public procurement for kid laptops #
- My brother’s second video is quite cool. Thank you gecko-mplayer for making my life easy for saving web clips. http://www.vimeo.com/8454096 #
- ♺ @sflc: New documentary, “Patent Absurdity: how software broke the system”: http://patentabsurdity.com/ #
- Please seed PatentAbsurdity.com videos! #
- Do it like me! I’m seeding the HD version and I’ve my upload ratio to be infinite http://is.gd/bzFX3 #PatentAbsurdity #swpat #
- I prefer Ogg/Theora but am tired of not viewing YouTube videos because #Google half implemented feature request 1.Solved: http://is.gd/bzHmU #
- George Orwell must be rolling in his grave… http://is.gd/bzJ37 oh the #irony #1984 #surveylance #society #now #
- Wonderful Spartacus: Blood and Sand ending. Can’t wait for the prequel, and best wishes for a fast recovery for Andy Whitfield. #
- A cara obscura da Microsoft http://is.gd/bzMq7 #slave #labour #