- ♺ @rahulsundaram You can’t expect #Fedora to hold back development and integration of Xorg releases on the basis of proprietary drivers #
- ♺ @floschie: For a better world without democracy – save the web! ♻ @greve: Nice: http://www.cleanternet.org/ #
- @gbraad can’t see, flash. However it seems similar to the “support” from the Ciber Criminal Society http://www.cybercriminalsociety.eu/ #
- @gbraad oh, looking at source it’s an #youtube video. With a plugin I found I can play the #h264 content in their #broken #html5 support #
- Dear #cleanternet people, can we have your text script and an ogg version so free people can play and localize? #EU campaigns need that! #
- Enjoying a connected life at a centuries old palace’s garden… #
- Here: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palácio_do_Marquês_de_Pombal #
- Yo, maps people, you’d already make sites for low power devices, eh? #
- AndI mean a decent one, not that basic html google maps crap #
- @pietercolpaert just way less dependent on javascript, and not the ridiculous thing google maps basic html is… #
- Testing my newly subscribed gprs connection with my !shr enabled !freerunner #