- ♺ @rsandu: NL: !Open !source desktops manage shared !office space ministries !ubuntu http://bit.ly/aPmONe #
- ♺ @olpc: “New Solomons study puts hard evidence of OLPC’s positive impact” http://ur1.ca/vzf5 !olpc #
- ♺ @lxoliva: on Google, for a change: resistance to censorship has gotten them blocked in 25 countries. http://bit.ly/aRxibU #
- Ashamed of Portugal (it’s a dailything, sadly): only today Lisbon airport got beds for stranded travellers… #
- @jwildeboer: you know the movie 😉 #
- @moosaico ok, já não temos amigos no DIUM? Quanta memória é necessária para o Moosaico? #
- @moosaico há backup da BD? #
- @jwildeboer: OMG, ROTFL tell me that was an old joke from 2001 and not some really delusioned father! 🙂 #
- @jwildeboer: oh, it is indeed a joke site… ok 🙂 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-19
- There’s always a mixture between fear and pride when one logs into a machine and sees: up 1397 days, 58 min #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Open Source Drug Discovery – http://bit.ly/9lpDhw #India shows how pharma should be done: in the open, collaboratively #drugs #
- Lembra-me o Imposto Microsoft: “there’s a term for requiring that a customer buy one product in order to be allowed to buy another: tying” #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: Remember SUNs ODF Plugin for MSFT Office? Used to be free? Guess what. ORCL thinks different. http://is.gd/bzlkj 90US$ now #
- #Oracle, you *so* don’t understand this business: charging 65€ for 100 #ODF Plugin for MSFT Office is a shot to the foot. http://is.gd/bzlkj #
- @glynmoody: that is so wrong. the only thing that happened is that a few solutions are now part of a governmental catalogue. #
- @glynmoody: unfortunately those news are nothing interesting, quite the opposite. Now they create the image that the problem is solved. #
- @glynmoody it is now made worse, because it seems like the problem is solved, but in fact not only it isn’t, it raises the bar for entrance. #
- @glynmoody: you know the expression “worse than insecurity is the illusion of security”? It’s the same thing. #
- @glynmoody: It has always been available and approved (never forbidden nor approval required) but now it seems like suddenly it is. #
- @glynmoody: In my point of view it is a sham now made worse. #
- @glynmoody: quite the opposite of progress if now the message is “it’s approved if it comes by the official channel”. It’s so much worse. #
- @glynmoody: only difference is that a few select companies are in the catalogue. really! but the message is “problem solved for PA in PT”. #
- @glynmoody: they’re not, I’m convince they will only get better when we go bankrupt like Iceland (Smari’s blog, now offline, sadly) #
- Smari’s site about how Microsoft Skull Fucked Iceland is gone http://is.gd/bzpEs can anyone publish a personal copy of this article plz?thx #
- It’s not on http://www.archive.org (already tried there). #
- Found a mirror of Smari’s article here (good read, IMHO, Portugal needs bankrupcy to get it’s IT fixed): http://is.gd/bzq1d #
- @glynmoody: When the current government doesn’t even bother to reply to meeting requests about an illegal public procurement for kid laptops #
- My brother’s second video is quite cool. Thank you gecko-mplayer for making my life easy for saving web clips. http://www.vimeo.com/8454096 #
- ♺ @sflc: New documentary, “Patent Absurdity: how software broke the system”: http://patentabsurdity.com/ #
- Please seed PatentAbsurdity.com videos! #
- Do it like me! I’m seeding the HD version and I’ve my upload ratio to be infinite http://is.gd/bzFX3 #PatentAbsurdity #swpat #
- I prefer Ogg/Theora but am tired of not viewing YouTube videos because #Google half implemented feature request 1.Solved: http://is.gd/bzHmU #
- George Orwell must be rolling in his grave… http://is.gd/bzJ37 oh the #irony #1984 #surveylance #society #now #
- Wonderful Spartacus: Blood and Sand ending. Can’t wait for the prequel, and best wishes for a fast recovery for Andy Whitfield. #
- A cara obscura da Microsoft http://is.gd/bzMq7 #slave #labour #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-18
- ♺ @jwildeboer: Airlines like KLM, Lufthansa question the grounfing. Their testflights shpw no problem. Its all based on computer simulation. #
- @floschie: I see no #conspiracy in #ashcloud. To me it’s a new situation the planes weren’t tested for adequacy. #
- @floschie: But of course, as George Orwell taught us, some animals are more equal than the others 😉 #
- Muita propaganda à TV3D na SIC mas omitem os sistemas incompatíveis entre si e mentem quanto à qualidade da imagem, muito pior que no cinema #
- @rejon: Here in “russia” 😉 we have a very good helper for sore feet… Port Wine. Get well soon! #
- @jwildeboer: woah… is that a joke about the #ashcloud or is it so dense it did dirty your neat Prius? #
- @jwildeboer: oh you nasty evil dutch! 😉 #
- @lxoliva: Android is FLOSS, but it’s a perfect example of how bad non-copyleft FLOSS can get WRT user rights & freedoms. #
- @lxoliva: ok, you’re right about the non-Free kernel Linux, but I’m going beyond those tiny percentage of bytes. #
- @lxoliva: Indeed. Sadly those who hate copyleft don’t care about the freedom of other users, to say the least. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-17
- so good, waking up with a migraine…drugs are in, and now back to bed. #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: Soon we will have device specific content on websites. And spoofing user agents will be considered a crime. #iPay #
- Realising exactly how the #Iceland #volcano affects european flights: #Wikinews has the best collected coverage so far http://is.gd/bxbKa #
- City of Heerenveen (and others) caving in: cans migrations because it’s too hard to get rid of vendor lock-in http://is.gd/bxnB0 #
- @jwildeboer: maybe they’re just worried because they never tested the planes under such circunstances, did you see http://is.gd/bxbKa ? #
- Amo-tevos muito! #
- hey hey hey, US SEC accuses Goldman Sachs of fraud! http://is.gd/bxpeq #
- gbrad: here’s one hour less than that and I feel wasted. Gonna read me some Hellblazer till I fall asleep 🙂 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-16
- @gregkh: fair enough, hoped you could 🙂 here’s to hoping you can influence them to the right direction, good job and best of luck. #
- Dear lazy web, se alguém tiver o contacto do Fernando Cozinheiro da UA, por favor dizer para contactar comigo ASAP e URGENTE. #
- ♺ @lxoliva: Patent Absurdity — How software patents broke the system http://patentabsurdity.com (via @webmink) airs (or wires) today! #
- ♺ @lxoliva: RD @technoviking How to print on a iPad http://is.gd/bu5x5 #
- ♺ @jmcesteves: Precrime also coming to the USA "Crime Prediction Software Is Here and It’s a Very Bad Idea" http://is.gd/bvVRl #
- Terei sido o único a notar o efeito positivo do vulcão? .oO( não ter o Cavaco por cá… ) #
- Spartacus: Blood and Sand is awesome! #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-15
- ♺ @glynmoody: GNUmed 0.7.0 released – http://bit.ly/9hZ7sE interesting specialist app #opensource #medicine #
- @joaomiranda o custo extra que somos obrigados a pagar, tal e qual um imposto, costuma andar entre os 90 e os 300 euros. #
- @joaomiranda isto não se explica bem com mensagens de 140 caracteres, mas o que está a dizer não tem lógica nenhuma. #
- @joaomiranda ganha a Microsoft que domina o mercado, perde o fabricante que vende computadores mais caros, perde o consumimdor que os compra #
- @joaomiranda o mopolista cria produtos não-interoperáveis para reforçar o seu «vendor lock-in». As pessoas não optam, são obrigadas. #
- @joaomiranda: oferta infinita (mercado digital tem replicação a custo “zero”), procura limitada. #
- @joaomiranda logo segundo as leis de mercado não fazem sentido conluios do monopolista para forçar a omnipresença distorcendo o mercado. #
- @joaomiranda ou a lei básica da oferta e da procura subitamente deixa de fazer sentido para satisfazer o monopolista? (oh wait…) #
- @joaomiranda mas na prática são criadas imensas barreiras para dificultar. #
- @joaomiranda o preço deveria ser indicado de forma discriminada, uma vez que são dois produtos que estão a ser comprados numa venda ligada. #
- @joaomiranda e isto até não é nada difícil de fazer (ver artigos em http://nao.quero.imposto.ms/ ) #
- E não respondo mais nada a mais ninguém hoje (zZzZzZzZz) boa noite! 🙂 #
- @gregkh:will #meego promote "illegal" (yr word) drivers in devices or criticize them ? What about plumbing ? #
- argh I can’t sleep and tomorrow is another busy day
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-14
- Small win, but… ♺ @galoppini #EU beats US: European Patent Office ruled that Amazon’s 1-click patent is obvious http://is.gd/bpTVr #swpat #
- ♺ @floschie: Is #OOo the next? @schestowitz “Oracle already cut back MySQL roadmap to avoid competing with” Oracle.. http://ur1.ca/v0yr #
- LOL How ISPs are borking old buildings in Portugal http://blog.angulosolido.pt/2010/04/gente-com-fibra.html #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Is Intellectual Property A Violation Of Real Property? – http://bit.ly/9FfMHs some nice ideas there #intellectualmonopolies #
- ♺ @webmink: US government finally admits most piracy estimates are bogus: http://icio.us/qoyqze #
- @stephwer: @karsten: oh how I envy you guys… #
- @gbraad: pino is nice, but at least the packaged version I have doesn’t allow to have twitter as read-only #
- ♺ @gbraad: RT @fabsh I’ve decided I might call TurboHercules “TurboTesticles” from now on… 🙂 < as a pun towards "big meerkat balls" ? #
- ♺ @lxoliva: RD @johnsu01 Interesting graph of artist revenue: http://ur1.ca/v4rb => labels are greedy liars #
- @gbraad: quite the contrary, it’s here for some time now. The only problem is quality phones with Free Software drivers. #
- @gbraad: with SHR calling is on par with Nokia 5110 (my first cellphone), contacts and SMS are already better. #
- @bkuhn I don’t know what you asked, but by the comments, regarding your question from people I subscribe, thank you, very much! 🙂 #
- @gbraad: what was the answer? #
- @gbraad not the best and most free possible, but you get legal problems there, with governments. #
- #meego false “opensource” #Sousou & #Jaaksi: *no* way to run the FLOSS components on #MeeGo on device w/out proprietary software #lfcollab #
- Last via @bkuhn…. #
- But «false “opensource”» is mine. #
- @webmink: well, if they’re claiming #meego is fully “opensource” when it clearly isn’t… I have a word for that, but fauxpensource is ok 😉 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-13
- But what about patents? ♺ @hugoroy: Google Will Release #VP8 Video Codec Under an Open Source License http://is.gd/bqyX8 !fsfe !fsf #html5 #
- @bugabundo yer welcome, mate! 🙂 #
- @carlopiana sure there’s competition, but isn’t the text a bit far fetched? 🙂 #
- RD @jwildeboer MSFT: What?!? Your game also runs on Linux? And MacOS? No way to run on XBox! http://is.gd/bqPrf #
- @jwildeboer nothing “strange” about that, monopolists love non-compete clauses in their licensing 🙂 #
- RD @jerezim “I will not support any outcome that would compromise freedom of expression” – N. Kroes (about #NetNeutrality #
- @openuniverse you gotta do like the Gays and the Pirates, wear the name with pride and turn it around! #
- I’m now perfectly happy to be called a freetard if that means I only want to use Free Software 🙂 #
- I am using elm_slider,I want to know how to block the callback and unblock #
- it. #
- oops, sorry for the paste, guys… 😐 #
- Rant of the Day: asshole. Sorry, let’s now go on with business as usual *sigh* #
- @carlopiana faster than what, previous releases? #
- @carlopiana impressive results, indeed. #
- @support Identi.ca is catching up on spammer attention, (good sign) but please take care about #spam fight. @breenxithylon looks #spammy. #
- @support @intothepresence looks #spammy #
- @support #spammy @intothepresence @silverbullion @soniasingh @ehomedir @eautodir @efinancedir @toursntravels @qualinsoft @vickyrussel #
- @support and also #spammy: @@willywei818 #
- ♺ @schestowitz: #TurboHercules shows some previous documents , but fails to distance self from Microsoft #
- #pino looks as nice as #gwibber (even new 2.29.x) but a bit lighter on the memory. I don’t understand how these µblog apps waste so much. #
- Wow, I can check on the conversation straight from #pino (sold and coming up with upcoming !fedora 13 !) #
- ♺ @jneves: Encontro de Ubuntu em Lisboa, 15 de Abril, 18h30 – http://is.gd/brmnY (É favor divulgar!) #
- @ventejuy it’s more like free software compatible non-free hardware… !gnu !gnues #
- ♺ @tuxbrain: Qi Hardware Community News April 12th http://tinyurl.com/y3lvnbl #
- For a “FOSS” and patents blog, it seems like the only axe Florian Müller’s sharpening is on account of IBM. #
- Yes, IBM is evil with #swpat but they’re hardly the most aggressive against Free Software (Microsoft, anyone?) #
- Will be good news! ♺ @grote: Award winning Lightworks Video Editor will be liberated and become #FreeSoftware http://is.gd/brvlz !fsfe #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-12
- ♺ @jerezim: ✖ STOP #ACTA! ✖ http://lqdn.fr/en/stop-acta (pls RT!) #
- ♺ @jmcesteves: RT @jerezim RT @bitsoffreedom Breaking news! Live webcast of #ACTA negotiations available: http://is.gd/bponx #
- @jmcesteves hehehehehehe #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: Nuff of .NET and C#? HOWTO convert existing .NET to Java. Thorough and good read. http://is.gd/bpqVQ #
- @gbraad If the graphics chip is proprietary, betting on usability and fancy UI is betting on «proprietary is good», hope not… #meego #
- RD @glynmoody #UK MPs call for ID cards and surveillance, but demand privacy for themselves http://bit.ly/9eTvTz Parliament of hypocrites #
- Universal rule of software quality? The closer to infrastrucutre the better they are? *sigh* #
- The other end of the scale being closer to business the worse they are? #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Open Source Software Goes Mainstream in Vietnam? – http://bit.ly/bm3Ygw let’s hope so #vietnam #opensource #
- @support @nymiaon looks #spammy #
- @rkj: I block (which flags) and report. Though only reports where checked for spam, and not just all blocks #
- @rkj: Thought, I mean, I thought that… I’m not claiming that it’s only that way 🙂 #
- Damn… after so many nice days of Sun with warm and cozy weather, there’s lot’s of rain comin’ right for us until at least Sunday. *sucks* #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-11
- @openuniverse in fact it’s like calling people extremists and fundamentalists for not liking muggers, thieves or murderers. #
- I did, as well. ♺ @webmink: I signed the Wellington Declaration and think you should consider doing so today too: http://icio.us/2ayw2j #
- @floschie we need the equivalente to Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs WRT to #swpat so governments wake up to the real issues. #
- ♺ @jerezim: Informez au sujet de l’#ACTA ! Mettez une boîte d’alerte sur votre site ! http://ur1.ca/uk47 (pls RT!) #
- hello world from xmpp via #telepathy/#empathy on my !olpc #