- O caderno de encargos para o #Magalhães 2 está aqui http://is.gd/bQRdv e estou a escrever uma análise aqui: http://is.gd/bQRee #
- Não publiquei isto antes por temer represálias judiciais uma vez que se pagava para obter estes dados e havia dever de sigilo. #
- Agora que foram anúnciados (sem qualquer surpresa) os vencedores, penso que não faz mal nenhum. #
- The “public” procurement for laptops for kids in #Portugal which demands #Windows 7, #Intel (in a hidden form) and #OOXML http://is.gd/bQRee #
- @kyrrith: it’s the !ubuntu proprietary-friendly way, quite inhuman, IMHO. #
- @floschie: and they already granted the procurement to, guess what, Intel and Microsoft distributors JP Sá Couto and Prológica #
- ♺ @andersongouveia: Em breve estará pronto o meu Livro de Asterisk e VoIP, espero ter muito êxito. Agradeço desde ja o apoio de todos. #
- @CienAoNatural http://www.imdb.com procurar por scrubs #
- Do início ao fim, apenas o que disse Mariano Gago que enfureceu os lobbies das editoras: http://is.gd/bR8gs Quem interpretou mal o quê? #
- ♺ @PartidoPirataPT: I uploaded a YouTube video — Declarações de Mariano Gago sobre a Pirataria http://youtu.be/VQ3RCIH6EE8?a #
- ScrtAvngrs 1-4@brubaker/@mikedeodato http://twitpic.com/1kdh16 http://twitpic.com/1kdhcq http://twitpic.com/1kdhlh http://twitpic.com/1kdi33 #
- I hope I can upgrade my laptop from !fedora 12 to F13 as smoothly as the upgrade from !ubuntu #karmic to #lucid was on my media center. #
- How did this crap get back in? To recover some #swpat lucidity in !ubuntu #lucid: sudo apt-get remove `dpkg -l | awk ‘/mono/ { print $2 }’ ` #
- @sunny256: oh, but sadly we do have #swpat in Europe… just not valid *yet*. #
- @sunny256: not all #swpat owners attack !freesoftware Microsoft does increasingly so with recourse to #swpat #
- @rahulsundaram: I really would love to, but this is my work laptop, I need to have some reasonable assurance that I won’t break it 🙂 #
- @rahulsundaram: hey, the link you sent is empty of content. Probably bad link? #
- I wished I could test in a VM, but KVM gives me an instant reboot after a few seconds of launching a machine under !fedora 12 🙁 no dbg msgs #
- @rahulsundaram: I found it by trying virt-manager and then directly qemu-kvm to try to repolicate the issue. #
- @rahulsundaram: qemu-kvm -m 512 -hda zbr.img -cdrom /dev/sr0 -boot d == instant reboot with no debug message whatsoever. #
- @rahulsundaram: I don’t like reporting bugs with “only problem” and no debug message, but I get nothing in the logs. #
- @gbraad: kvm worked well in my previous Dell Latitude D531 but this replacement one has minor diferences (eg, working internat wifi). #