Updates for 2010-06-03

  • ♺ @jmcesteves: RT @RaysTechLawHash Discussion: EU To Monitor All Internet Searches via @Slashdot #
  • ♺ @JNegocios: Bruxelas ameaça levar caso Magalhães ao Tribunal de Justiça #
  • ♺ @glynmoody: Scott Adams: Economic Value Of Content’s Going Zero, But Maybe It’s Okay gradually they get it #abundance #
  • ♺ @glynmoody: Comment: Mozilla does it their way – good point #mozilla #privacy #
  • @torswin: !fedora did you a favour! more space for music! #
  • Seria bom que os Eurodeputados portuguesses fossem a esta conferência no Parlamento Europeu, bora passar palavra? #
  • It would be good if MEPs went to this conference in EuroParl, spread the word, please! Financing culture in digital era. #
  • Sometimes, it seems that even though an HTTP 200 OK is returned, there’s no content in or twitter. !elmdentica crash bug now fixed #
  • @support it appears, to me, as if I’m making some calls to friends_timeline.xml and get 0 bytes with http 200 OK !elmdentica #
  • Bad is calling me…. #
  • See how it calls me? s/Bad/Bed/ zZzZzZzZ # Updates for 2010-06-01

  • ♺ @gbraad: good interview with @tuxbrain’>@tuxbrain #
  • @support having problems? @elmdentica can’t mark as favorite @gbraad’s an error dialog opens up just saying “error”. #
  • @smaffulli don’t bother with @lefty as he clearly has some serious emotional issues with #FSF and @rms. You’ll just loose your time. #
  • @lefty Interesting (and revealing) that you confuse slander and hate-speech with critique. Notice I never tried to shut you up, so be free. #
  • @lefty It’s also interesting (and revealing) that you confuse advice freely given with babysitting. #
  • And now I’ve just violated my own advice *sigh* back to coding… #
  • @support yeah, seems to be gone now. It was via the web browser, but gone now, thanks. #
  • @support and the bug I needed to fix is now fixed. #
  • @gbraad yeah, and what is the most weird is that I thought I had nailed this bug previously… must have accidently reverted the fix 🙁 #
  • Yay! 🙂 ♺ @puentesarrin: ElmDentica ( en Español Perú: !elmdentica #
  • @smaffulli oh, right, they might just forsake their mission, relicense to whatever just for the popularity of #Apple Store. *not*. #
  • @smaffulli they complained and proposed two remedies: either comply with the license, or stop distribution. Bad is on Apple. Their move now. #
  • @smaffulli you have it with openembedded or debian mobile devices. “app stores” just prove repositories are a popular wish. s/repo/appstore/ #
  • @smaffulli What leverage has FSF over #Apple and their Stores? None AFAICT. Should they care? IMHO they shouldn’t. #Apple’s a lost cause. #
  • @lefty As usual, 140c is hardly enough for serious talk lest ye be misunderstood. In the axis of user’s freedoms, the move is on/from Apple. #
  • AppleStore terms are incompatible with any Free Software license, but more so in the case of GPL which forbids more restrictions. Good IMHO. #
  • @lefty What are the app stores but repo’s? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. No difference AFAICT. Oh, kill switches! #
  • SO, AppleStores GNU/Linux repos + DRM + single source + no user control + kill switches, what am I missing? #iPay society, not for me. #
  • @smaffulli Removing GNU Go is not stick, stick would be law suite for having done so and demanding retribution. #
  • @smaffulli Removing GNU Go is self imposed from #Apple. Bad is on Apple, not #FSF, for that move. #
  • @smaffulli And besides, there are many millions more dependent on other drug suppliers, like Microsoft. #
  • @smaffulli Removal appears self imposed by #Apple. #FSF has «written to Apple and asked them to come into compliance». #
  • @smaffulli How else are you going to have your rights defended under the current copyright regime? Sad, yes. Alternatives? #
  • @smaffulli It’s *impossible* for #FSF to make a Free Software mobile “app store” and I hope they don’t waste resources on that. #