- ♺ @greggrunberg: Mel Gibson’s hatred has gone WAY too far. That ASSWIPE, RACIST, ANTI-SEMITE now hates FAKE BOOBS too! He’s dead to me!! #
- Go, Bulls, go! ♺ @BreakingNews: 1 well-known runner gored, 3 others injured in Pamplona bull run – AP http://bit.ly/dBo0VJ #
- ♺ @wikileaks WikiLeaks will NOT be abandoned. Don’t listen to disinfo being spread! We’ll issue clarifications soon. Should’ve done earlier #
- Fear the squid power! In squid we trust, all else pay the referee! #
- Was it a squid or an octopus? Reports vary, but the result is still #disturbing and worrying. ‘They’ refers to those boneless folks! #
- Go Catalunia! #
- @Biafra: thanks, heard squid from some, octopus from others! #