- ♺ @greggrunberg: Mel Gibson’s hatred has gone WAY too far. That ASSWIPE, RACIST, ANTI-SEMITE now hates FAKE BOOBS too! He’s dead to me!! #
- Go, Bulls, go! ♺ @BreakingNews: 1 well-known runner gored, 3 others injured in Pamplona bull run – AP http://bit.ly/dBo0VJ #
- ♺ @wikileaks WikiLeaks will NOT be abandoned. Don’t listen to disinfo being spread! We’ll issue clarifications soon. Should’ve done earlier #
- Fear the squid power! In squid we trust, all else pay the referee! #
- Was it a squid or an octopus? Reports vary, but the result is still #disturbing and worrying. ‘They’ refers to those boneless folks! #
- Go Catalunia! #
- @Biafra: thanks, heard squid from some, octopus from others! #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-10
- ♺ @GreatDismal: Paywalls. I’ve got friends at the London Times, and I seriously worry for them. Lots of people just assume Kirkus is gone. #
- Estradas de Portugal em crise de défice? No que tem gasto dinheiro? http://is.gd/dmwLL #
- Glad to just have read that #Sintel’s #blender animations is mostly completed. Eagerly craving http://durian.blender.org/ #durian #
- @stephwho my dear wife is finding that out too. #
- And just subscribed @blenderdurian 🙂 #
- @reality I’d say trademark, but nike doesn’t do bodies, just [mostly] sports shoes 🙂 #
- @stephwho: a legal way to share music is to share shareable music #sharism #
- ♺ @bkuhn: #MSFT unAmerican, cancerous,virus campaign was good for !FaiF. Even helped me convince NYT to print phrase GNU/Linux for 1st time #
- ♺ @mind_booster: Brasil took the only sane position a country could take regarding DRM:… http://ff.im/nvETZ #
- ♺ @bkuhn I think it’s a *big* help that #statusnet & #Fedora don’t require © assignment to company. #Disturbing that #Ubuntu does #
- @bkuhn: more than not wrong, it has to have some good quality or Red Hat wouldn’t be able to build upon it. #
- @stephwho: sorry,that thing about a google was to me? #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-09
- @reality: I bet many Portuguese have been Dutch from early tender age ! #
- ♺ @glynmoody: #Brazil Approach on Anti-Circumvention: Penalties For Hindering Fair Dealing http://bit.ly/9cVf1w a bit of balance #copyright #
- ♺ @michaelgeist RT @joelfightsback: Judge Gertner just ruled Joel Tenenbaum’s $675,000 P2P-filing sharing damages are unconstitutional #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-08
- At an Internet Governance event in Lisboa, ISCTE. Next in line, Net Neutrality. #
- @jmcesteves I’m not seeing you here. I’m at the right,near the backdoor. #
- Idiot in the audience thinks it’s more efficient to negotiate behind closed doors rather than multi stakeholderism. #
- Wolfgang replies it’s less eficient but much more sustainable. Recalls online child porn law in Germany behind closed doors and doesn’t work #
- Net Neutrality debate is about to start. #
- ♺ @evan: #StatusNet Revolutionizes Motorola Internal Communications http://ur1.ca/0lkcz #
- Pedro Oliveira starts. Openness, User Innovation and Net Neutrality. #
- Open Standards are essential to allow user Innovation #
- 86% of Innovation comes from users. #
- We should ask why ‘they’ want to close the Net, because an open Internet is essential for Innovation. #
- Carlos Correia , Vodaphone , same title of presentation #
- Vodaphone thinks it’s legitimate that it may manage user traffic to control congestion. But rules must be transparent for customers. #
- Wants users to pay more for faster networks. #
- Pedro Ferreira, Anacom #
- International Net Neutrality Conference in Lisbon, by Anacom at October 9 #
- And now Jean Jacques Sahel #
- Users buy access to the Internet because they want to access it whole. IP is like the power plug. You don’t want to pay more to be able … #
- … to plug your microwave oven . #
- Operators should not decide what users can access in the Internet. #
- Virgilio Vargas , IBM. We’re not against Net Neutrality principles. Respect them. #
- Ten years ago ten percent of population had a phone . Now it’s seventy, most mobile phones. #
- Flat rates were invented by telcos but revenue didn’t grow in parallel with traffic growth. #
- Hopes law will respect neutrality but allows intelligent network management, which needs to happen because bandwidth is finite. #
- Tried to dispell cyber warfare scaremongering and debunk Vodaphone misleading presentation. #
- They tried to make people think it’s a matter of customer download speeds. #
- Pedro Veiga from FCCN said neutral Net is cheaper because QoS is very costly. #
- Pedro Veiga: non neutral net is like highway operators controlling car luggage. #
- Pedro Ferreira clearly shows by his statements that Anacom is against Net Neutrality. #
- @PauloTrezentos: I’m curious why you felt the need to rename and reduce the scope of the original UOC master en software libre. #
- Except if I had the words “I said”, most of my previous messages where in fact from the speakers mentioned a few messages before. #
- @PauloTrezentos: the thing is, only advantage to UOC is geographical, all else… is worse 🙁 #
- To me, today, the most scandalous thing was how the portuguese teleocmunications regulator appeared to abohrr #netneutrality. #
- Ah… the pleasant sounds of australian aboriginal music… #didgeridoo rocks! #
- Headphones off… let’s see how long it takes until someone asks me if the laptop is malfunctioning #didgeridoo #
- Bingo! #
- Is there a way to simply tag as #spam all #farmville BS? #
- Nao sao tao espertos ♺ @mvalente: Se fosse eu,encaixava os 7.000 milhões e começava uma operadora nova no Brasil com esta visão: Kill Vivo. #
- @timbray: well, they work good enough for me! Steep climb, but rewarding! #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-07
- @phantas: Os livros do filho valem a pena, apesar de nao tao bons exploram o passado baseado nas notas do pai e preparam o fim q o pai n fez #
- @phantas: Sim, o filho termina o q o pai interrompeu pela sua morte, mas da mais gozo se se ler sobre o passado. #
- Load of BS ♺ @schestowitz: US government thinks there is such a thing as movie pirates http://ur1.ca/0krtk is there also a music murderer? #
- ♺ @schestowitz: Reader’s Report and Leak: Microsoft is Pulling an #EDGI on #Brazil. http://ur1.ca/0krhc #antitrust #
- RT @jwildeboer New blog post: Switzerland – 0wn3d by Microsoft http://jan.wildeboer.net/2010/07/switzerland-0wn3d-by-microsoft/ #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: So, Switzerland, you might be interested in this: 97% adoption of OS/FS in Malaysia: http://is.gd/dimwf via @harishpillay #
- Today,lots of Portuguese have been germans from an early tender age, I guess… #
- @reality: when I use my !freerunner with !elmdentica I do more than block, I gag! That way I don’t even view dents with @lefty in it 🙂 #
- @reality: I don’t know… in my case, as I’m using glib’s GRegex I get (for free) PCRE enabled gag list 🙂 #
- ♺ @schestowitz: Quick Mention: More #Microsoft Layoffs
http://ur1.ca/0l9qo # - ♺ @glynmoody: #Swiss Court approves purchase of proprietary licences without tender http://bit.ly/cGkcoM insane – a terrible precedent #
- ♺ @zack: @rms inaugurates the 1st ‘free software street’ ever (in Berga, #Spain ) http://is.gd/diR4r | that’s geek-ish! #fsf #fsfe #
- @pietercolpaert: PCRE gag lists! I got that in !elmdentica #
- Wonder what the price of four judges was… Swiss Court approves purchase of proprietary licences without tender – http://bit.ly/cGkcoM #
- @pietercolpaert: ‘GPL v 3 or later’ is safer ! #
- ♺ @glynmoody: The Threat of Cyberwar Has Been Grossly Exaggerated http://bit.ly/bNa0E8 more calm, sensible words from Uncle Brucie #security #
- ♺ @alexm: reading fellowship interview with David Reyes Samblas Martinez http://ur1.ca/0ldzn !fsfe #openmoko #qihardware #
- @pietercolpaert: PCRE are Perl Compatible Regular Expressions which allow a rich and powerful matching tool. #
- @pietercolpaert: oh, I’m using PCRE for gag lists, for instance, #(ger(many)?|esp(a(ñ|nh)a)?) would hide many messages from timeline today. #
- @support heads up! Spammers are abusing private *.status.net sites! #spam #
- @support that prevents me from blocking them!!! #
- @support sorry, no it doesn’t stop me from blocking, but I can’t block them at the private site, sorry for the confusion! #
- @pietercolpaert: you look like you never coded in Perl, or you’d just drool at the expectation of using PCRE 🙂 #
- My Zombies in Wonderland T-shirt has been shipped. 1-3 weeks more now… http://is.gd/dgyFB #
- @pietercolpaert: you must be really excited about design patterns then 🙂 #
- ZOMG! Lesbian Vampire Killers is a riot! 🙂 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-06
- @gbraad: and me failing sleep due to excessive heat … #
- I need a self cooling pillow, if you forgot my birthday a short while ago,then now is your chance for compensation. #
- Useless and adds no #interoperability ♺ @glynmoody: EU May Force Flash Onto Apple Products – http://bit.ly/bMYCVA weak article #
- ♺ @DaHammerstein @nacionred El Reino Unido se desmarca de ACTA atacando a la UE y EEUU por criminalizar a los usuarios http://bit.ly/aDTjZR #
- ♺ @DaHammerstein: UK questions criminal measures on P2P in ACTA! http://bit.ly/damMBs #
- @glynmoody perhaps this will be useful before you email RMS (more than listening to @lefty) http://www.gnu.org/software/dotgnu/faq.html #
- @glynmoody Also, RMS has plenty times told he has no problem with with many C# and dotNET, you have to look at how Mono and dotGNU differ. #
- @lefty dotGNU (at least when I first heard of it) had those issues in concern at it’s design. Mono not. #
- @lefty dotGNU, and Mono if you remove the patent encumbered parts, are relatively useless in practice. #
- Yay! My !fedora problem with instant reboots when using kvm was solved => BIOS issue fixed in a June update #
- @glynmoody: not sure whether it does,the FAQ in itself is a bit outdated, too. #
- @glynmoody Last comment in here: http://is.gd/dhFoc (123 says: July 14, 2009 at 1:18 pm) summarizes well what @rms has said in plenty emails #
- @glynmoody You can also check this email to W3C from dotGNU leader, summarizing well how it differs from Mono: http://is.gd/dhFzi #
- @glynmoody in particular the paragraph beginning with «Since the DotGNU project is committed to using the GNU GPL(…)» #
- @lefty It’s hard to miss points which are themselves so lost in webs of misleading (and sometimes contradictory) information. #
- I mean, it’s hard NOT to miss such kinds of points. #
- @jwildeboer WHAT!?!?!?!?! #
- @carlopiana any links? can’t find anything in google news #
- Took a bit longer, but… damn… #
- @lxoliva too bad Venezuela is more and more a dictatorship 🙁 #
- @lefty well, fortunately that isn’t the vector they analyse, it is the vector you analyse, though. #
- @lxoliva Well, my claims come from the news we get here (not contradicted by any online source) of .ve news manipulation, censor, etc. #
- @lxoliva The attempt to remove/raise mandate limits of president is also frightening, but Chavez could always pull a Putin 🙂 #
- @zach don’t do that, just use curl -u username https://…. (curl will ask for password and it won’t be in process arguments) #
- See how #oauth is so secure and do good? http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/changeset/50081/trunk grab elmdentica’s sikrits! #
- @lxoliva Which ones, those that were closed down in Venezuela? And is it a lie he tried to eleminate/raise mandate limit? #
- @lxoliva well, I know. But filtering that, you still get those two very damning facts. #
- @lxoliva So, yes. Chavez is a dictator wannabe, sadly. #
- @rbanffy to be an accomplished dictator, Chavez would have to grab permanent stronghold of army and government. He hasn’t yet. #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Patent Lawyer Insists Open Source Stifles Innovation – http://bit.ly/dsCbeY @mmasnick reads and rebuts this stuff #
- ♺ @wikileaks Save Private Manning: http://bradleymanning.org/ #
- @phantas: All Dune books are worth it. Got a full collection,Father and Son. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-05
- Nice ♺ @morisson: You can now validate my PGP fingerprint also using dns TXT (besides webpage and keyservers) -> mori.genhex.org #pgp #
- @brunomiguel: Diaspora is proprietary, they still have their side of the promise to fullfill, even though they got lots of money. #
- My SO is about to get an !android !linux phone. Not the most software freedom oriented OS but better than alternatives at similar low prices #
- I’m getting one of these ♺ @brunomiguel: Zombies in Wonderland tee http://tinyurl.com/27s3xyj #
- And I bought that shirt with my !frerunner #
- ♺ @ndantas: como pagar nas scuts: http://clublotusportugal.blogspot.com/2010/07/as-varias-formas-de-pagamento-das-scuts.html #
- @bkuhn: indeed. I call a kernel a kernel and an operating system is a little bit more than just a kernel, IMHO. #
- @brunomiguel: a specific !android phone (Optimus Boston) is awesome cheap. !freerunner would be best but not ready for general consumer. #
- Me too (“.emacs” [New File] 0,0-1 All) ♺ @karsten: $ vi .emacs. Makes me smile every time. #
- @bugabundo: or use !elmdentica’s Perl compatible regular expression gag lists 😉 I got rid of lefty’s noise. #
- @bugabundo: I don’t like blocking real people… #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-04
- ♺ @doctorow "If copyright infringement is theft, photographing someone is kidnapping?" #acta #
- ♺ @ptnik: Em Nova Iorque, Turistas só no Hotel: Se pensam que só por cá é que temos palhaçadas, vejam… http://is.gd/deVnU #
- @gbraad: lol Np #
- Just made banana and chocolate chips ice-cream. Tastes awesome, but it’s on the freezer becoming more solid. Ice-cream machines++! #
- Too much fscking hot… online termometer claims 34º, feels like 40º to me… 😐 #
- @jwildeboer That’s the sad state of democracy everywhere… was the result bad? #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Climategate was a game-changer in science reporting, say climatologists http://bit.ly/cxOzZN more upfront, open and explicit #
- @bkuhn: @dbs: I only got into !freesoftware by my early twenties, and watched plenty tv, most good, during my childhood. #
- @schiefl: How does it afect !limux? Good,bad or neutral? #
- @homembit: ai vai, http://transparencia-pt.org/ #
- @schiefl: Oh, yeah! Sorry, I forgot the new rules you have to go by 🙁 #
- Yes, you pus filled sacks of sodomized yazacktoth-spawns, I activated my facebook account but even more one way only than twitter… #
- @jwildeboer: lol, being slowly forced out of smoking by means of having even less space where to do it? Poor you… 😉 #
- @igama: Entao, nao queres um bostao? 😉 fora a piada foleira, dizem q em termos de hardware e’ bem mais potente que os anteriores. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-03
- Nice pun ♺ @gbraad: d*mn, @reality sucks! #
- #oauth adds absolutely no security for an user of a non-web app but adds a lot of useless hassle for programmers. #twitter is run by idiots. #
- What U need in order to secure #oauth credentials is what U need to store login+password. Exactly the same. Access that and you’re spoofable #
- And now that I have finally written an application that can use #oauth, I’m 100% sure of this. #
- A SIC foi comprada pela IURD para estar a passar o que parece uma lavagem cerebral? #
- Next in line: write #oauth program called bestbrowser which launches firefox and silently deletes all your google data with googlecl creds. #
- Feel secure now? #oauth #
- Hey, #oauth app writers: you better secure your creds with strong ciphers and ask user for password on startup. If you don’t… hmms… #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-02
- ♺ @techdirt: Dutch Court Questioning Why Police Outsourced File Sharing Evidence Collection To Industry Group http://dlvr.it/2DrT5 #
- @bkuhn: I let mine grow for a while before cutting. Thus I save some time as well. #
- ♺ @BoingBoing: Canadian copyright astroturfers own up: front for US labels http://bit.ly/b1LScR #
- @reality: That’s more from it’s Red Hat nature 🙂 with the bonuses and the defects, of course… #
- ♺ @mind_booster: "Pirate Party: We will host The Pirate Bay inside the Swedish parliament | Piratpartiet" http://ff.im/n4E90 #
- @GabrielfSilva: o #chipespiao e’ util para o bloco central controlar fluxos dos cidadaos de forma barata. #
- Wondering how this will affect some braindead WUI they have… ♺ @slashdot: IBM Makes Firefox Its Corporate Browser http://bit.ly/amQJQR #
- Most recent gag list entry in !elmdentica is #bra([sz]il)? (yes, PCRE is supported!) #
- @arturmartins: I did ITIL exam as well, but received two diplomas and two pins, just to prove how well it works 🙂 #
- ♺ @karsten: Summary of this week’s #ACTA negotiations http://ur1.ca/0ir6l Text secret again, things still look very bad !fsfe #
- ♺ @techdirt: Woman Sues Theater For Pressing Charges Over Filming Twilight Snippets At Birthday Party http://dlvr.it/2F4lz #
- ♺ @bkuhn: I found their @joindiaspora ‘s use of #Flash #disturbing. Even worse to now learn it contradicts their own assurances. #
- ♺ @bkuhn: I actually like marriage very much & am married, but I think in general case, doesn’t necessarily keep couples together more. #
- @bkuhn: teach to plant veggies rather than giving them should work as a proper replacement! #
- Finalmente. Sera q se vai saber alguma coisa em breve? ♺ @JNegocios: Vara renuncia ao mandato do BCP http://xl.pt/r/bxsJne #