- Feeling like kKkKkKkKkKkKkKK…. #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: @webmink after forking OpenSolaris with http://www.illumos.org/ – also thinking of GPL-ing stuff? Or will it stay CDDL? #
- ♺ @webmink: Will Illumos Bring OpenSolaris Back To Life? Today sees the launch of the Illumos Project http://bit.ly/d5vHw3 #
- Diria mais chico-espertismo ♺ @JMF1957: rigidez dos contratos s/termo: Portugal terceiro país Eur c/+ contratos a termo http://bit.ly/cA9aub #
- @wilw: So you want to iPay because you’re just an iConsume kind of guy ? #
- @joaomiranda: Esta mais que demonstrado empiricamente q a ausencia de rigidez nos contratos laborais resulta em q todos sao temporarios #usa #