Updates for 2010-11-08

  • @reality: It’s a path to enlightenment. Some are closer to Nirvana than others. #
  • While compiz runs smoothly in my !fedora 13 laptop, gnome shell and mutter are jerky and slow. Wonder if they’re faster in 14… #
  • RT @abhitux “Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.” — Carl Zwanzig !q !quote #
  • @lxoliva: In a press release you can cite yourself quoting someone but, in principle, you should get an ‘ok go’ from people directly quoted. #
  • RT @webmink @zotz No. Open Core defines a business model, not shades of grey in a Libre philosophy. #
  • @reality: What is the second device?is it on a shared alternate function port ? #
  • I guess I will disable gnome-shell and mutter in my laptop’s !fedora 13, it’s just too painfully slow. #
  • Someone, somewhere, wants me to love mondays (Dexter + The Walking Dead) #
  • @fabsh May the old ones not look towards you. #
  • Close the #EU Commissioners Revolving Door #transparency #corruption # Updates for 2010-11-07

  • A solução contra as SCUT é a desobediência civil. Um negócio feito para amigos do Governo disfarçado de medida de poupança não merece 1¢ #
  • Desobediência civil nas SCUT significa passar sem pagar. Com milhares e milhares de casos gostava de ver os tribunais a fazer isso andar. #
  • 27€ de aparelho mais 50€ de carregamento com expiração em 3 meses, significa que isto é só para fazer negócio aos amigos. #
  • @pietercolpaert I’ve been using current !shrunstable on my !openmoko !freerunner sucessfully. #
  • @pietercolpaert great, but it seems @gena2x doesn’t exist here! 🙂 #
  • @schestowitz take two randomly chosen Android phones from different providers and you’ll see fragmentation (from user point of view). yuck! #
  • @schestowitz none intentended. Android fragmentation is a sure thing from the user’s point of view. #
  • @robmyers yup, they need dayjobs with copyright (except for a very small few big timers). # Updates for 2010-11-06

  • RT @jmcesteves Na Ocidental Praia Chinesa: RT @DiarioNoticias: Proibida “contramanifestação” da Amnistia nos Jerónimos #
  • RT @schestowitz RT @hashemmasoud Already got rid of Flash in their stat charts: #
  • Wayland is a step backwards in terms of graphic displays and a step forward into an advanced state of dependency on proprietary drivers. #
  • @jwildeboer suggestion for your laser artwork on the air: s/(AppleLogo)/(FedoraLogo)/g #
  • @jwildeboer geek pun and fits the laptop’s design # Updates for 2010-11-05

  • RT @schestowitz Public or academic insitutions that agree to misuse public funds by secretly paying monopolists should be sued (like Goo … #
  • @arnebab: That Liebman fellow looks like a classic for pay troll… #
  • RT @karsten Lessig calls #WIPO to lead overhaul of a copyright system that “never will make sense in digital environment”
  • RT @charlesschulz My links for the beginning of November, along with a very interesting paper on OOXML: #ooxml #fail #
  • @ovidius: What device is your ebook reader? #
  • RT @fontana Let the world know: The license is not #free or #opensource # Updates for 2010-11-04

  • RT @glynmoody #acta: “Companies that benefit from using pirated software products will be exposed to criminal penalties” –
  • @marcusharrison: html rendering in evolution is much worse 😉 !ubuntu #
  • RT @glynmoody Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property 2010 – free ebook: I’ve skimmed this – looks … # Updates for 2010-11-02

  • RT @juancarlospaco You like #KDE,but is too big for your resources?,try QLWM Pure-QT only minimalistic Desktop for !Linux !Ubuntu !Ubunt … #
  • ‘The Walking Dead’ won’t disappoint Romero zombie film fans. Loved every minute and don’t know if I can survive without sleep for one week. #