- Indeed! I can’t but fully agree. ♺ @pedromelo: @Biafra Read/listen to most (if not all) of Pratchett already #
- ♺ @glynmoody: #ICANN Should Avoid Expanding Scope of Mission to Include Enforcing ‘Morality’ and Fighting ‘Terrorism’ http://bit.ly/8XhTXW #
- Loves or loves to use? ♺ @pvilela: Facebook loves open source RT @iaincgray: The software behind Facebook: http://bit.ly/aLo7Hb" #
- ♺ @glynmoody: International Experts See Backswing In Pendulum Of Biological Patenting http://bit.ly/d9bmBA “IPR rights was no incentive” #
- @bkuhn you’ll likely be emailed about the current state of !FSO on PalmPre. otherwise, find morphis on #freenode #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-21
- Emenda a CRP: a AP respeita a Lei e responsaveis prevaricadores serao punidos em tempo util. #
- @JMF1957: Errado. Por definicao uma constituicao e’ idiolo’gica. #
- Emenda a CRP: A Justica conclui-se em tempo util. #
- Emenda a CRP: remova-se a bacoquice da "proteccao ao bom nome" como loophole contra a liberdade de expressao. #
- @joaomiranda: liberdade. #
- @JMF1957: depende do q se considera moda. sem concretizacao e’ dificil discutir, nem q seja pelos 140 caracteres! #
- Emenda a CRP: a corrupcao e’ repudiada veementemente. #
- ♺ @PauloQuerido: não vejo propriamente obstáculos na C.R.P. ao desenvolvimento do capitalismo cá. Vejo-os no fraco tecido de liderança #
- @PauloQuerido: Cursos de lideranca dados por militares contribuem imenso para esse fraco tecido [de lideranca] #
- zZzZz a conversa esta boa mas a estas horas prejudica a minha produtividade de amanha. #
- @playya: I had a similar behaviour recently but it went away by itself faster than I could track it down. Now I don’t notice. Some library? #
- ♺ @lucrocha: sad #fail, site of Rodrigo Leao unavailable in systems without #Silverlight #
- ♺ @carlopiana: Answer en masse to the questionnaire http://ur1.ca/0syrg or it’ll be slanted twrds royalty-bearing FRAND standard policy. #
- #Optimus insiste no nao desbloqueio. Alega data da compra mas a revista deles nao tem esse limite inicial #pub enganosa #
- @fabsh toasters? frak! shoot’em up! Blow that base ship! #
- @bkuhn PalmPre’s not very !FaiF, sorry. There are FSO attempts at porting, but I don’t think they ever got to a success. #
- @bkuhn I didn’t, FSO (Mickey Laurer IIRC) did some work on it. #
- @bkuhn http://www.mail-archive.com/smartphones-userland@linuxtogo.org/msg02095.html #
- @bkuhn http://www.google.pt/search?q=fso+palmpre #
- @bkuhn perhaps best of all http://wiki.freesmartphone.org/index.php/Palm_Pre:_Jan_2010_-_%3F #
- @bkuhn wouldn’t mind at all if you could get me another PalmPre of those 🙂 (I have none currently) #
- @greve Congratulations!!!!!!!!! #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-20
- ♺ @rsandu: Dell’s: “WINDOWS OR UBUNTU ?” website !fail Choose !Ubuntu if: “You are interested in open source programming”? http://u.nu/5ywid #
- Damn it, again group spam… sorry for adding up to it! 🙁 #
- Never found him funny either. Bad troll! ♺ @playya: ignore markshuttlecock #
- @toros any popular distribution is a really good choice for that. New users should really try out !Ubuntu rather than #Windows #dell #fail #
- @playya: WTF? #
- @playya: Can you send more details please? #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: I’d call this a smoking gun: This function is mostly copy pasta from WP (wp-includes/media.php) #thesis http://is.gd/dzcfq #
- @fabsh: You know why! When you go to a place so expensive you’re ashamed to say you hated it? Think ‘time is money’ plus horrible experience #
- ♺ @kanarip: In category !not-so-funny: @glynmoody: Putting PressReleases Online? Patented! Lots Of Small Companies Sued http://bit.ly/9tud1F #
- ♺ @smaffulli: no way: Pirate Party launched PirateISP. Get popcorn: you want to watch this movie http://is.gd/dzCDY #
- ♺ @zoobab: Association of Press Release Distributors, LLC fight against #swpat on publishing press releases on websites http://ur1.ca/0s1jx #
- ♺ @jamie_love: ACTA ‘other remedies’ Article in conflict with Sweden Germany Denmark Finland Swiss laws: http://www.keionline.org/node/890 #
- ♺ @mgeist: Why Parma Ham May Stand in the Way of ACTA and CETA: a look at the geographical indications issue http://bit.ly/939hGf #
- Not Invented Here? Mas tb n vejo vntgm ♺ @GabrielfSilva: porque é que o psd votou contra a liberalização dos centros de inspeção automóvel? #
- hms… ♺ @BreakingNews: FDA panel recommends withdrawal of approval for Avastin to treat breast cancer after disappointing studies – AP #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Aloha: The HTML5 Editor – http://bit.ly/aauxD7 free, available under AGPLv3 licence #html5 #editor #agplv3 #
- The problem with following so many interesting people is you get to spread their words more than writing your own. #
- Prefiro em #ODF! Normas Abertas FTW! ♺ @GabrielfSilva: onde é que se pode ler a proposta de revisão constitucional do psd? (doc) #
- @GabrielfSilva: Sim, eu tb quero. Ouvi dizer q metia crime informatico e pela prestacao do Negrao na AR so posso prever asneira monumental! #
- @joaomiranda: #foodforthought quantas vezes reviram a constituicao dos EUA? #
- @joaomiranda: Nao. A saude so pode ser gratuita se paga pelo Estado, e aqui entra a frase cliche. E ainda bem. So tenho pena pelas asneiras. #
- Viva as PayWalls. NOT! ♺ @agranado The Times perde 90% de leitores online: A NOTÍCIA é de um jornal da concorrência http://bit.ly/9iW2jg #
- LoL ♺ @wilw: Trying to read a book about Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, but whenever I look for it, it moves. #
- @jneves: 17 in over two centuries. First ten since the beginning. Each ammendment corresponding to only one further right. #
- ♺ @PartidoPirataPT: Partido Pirata Português apresenta manifesto: «Internet para todos» http://bit.ly/cA4JjM #
- Mas era mm quase isso (na AR) ♺ @GabrielfSilva: @RuiSeabra O Negrão gostava de lá meter o cubano pré-crime certamente 🙂 #
- E ainda por cima sao contra a #NetNeutrality! ♺ @mind_booster: #Vodafone #FAIL re: http://ff.im/nZbjV #
- @gj: Mostly from dirty tricks at ACPI level agreed by Bill Gates with hw makers in behind the curtains deals. Thouroughly documented !ubuntu #
- @GabrielfSilva: Quando muito artigo a artigo, e com 85% dos votos, pelo menos. #
- ♺ @mind_booster: A format that forces me to have an Internet connection to exercise my rights? No, thanks. re: http://ff.im/nZtz5 #
- ♺ @joaomiranda: Melhor argumento contra a revisão constitucional do PSD: 296 artigos #
- A minha proposta de constituicao e: traduzam a dos EUA… #
- Pelo menos sempre ficavamos com o direitos q ‘julgamos’ ter de tanto filme e serie Norte Americana que por ca passa 🙂 #
- @JMF1957: Ui que datada… e a dos EUA entao? O problema da nossa e’ q e’ de fraca qualidade sem o from, by and for the people. So politico. #
- @JMF1957: Uma revisao de constituicao deveria ser so coisas serias e cirurgicas, nao os devaneios mentais da moda. #
- @oscon: Fix your name! ‘Opem’? 🙂 #
- ♺ @PauloQuerido: A CPR foi revista todos os 4,8 anos desde a sua criação em 1976. Quem consegue afirmar, sem se rir, que está datada? #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-19
- ♺ @pietercolpaert: fumny apple chose the #openmoko marketing strategy for iphone4: buy brick. At least with #freerunner, we can improve it #
- How do these loud screaming people expect the working people to be such? #
- @fabsh Only if your huge entertainment system is a bunch of Linux modules 🙂 #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Quicken Online Users Saw Bait, Switched To Mint.com, And Are Left With Nothing – http://tcrn.ch/9JBR5l must be a moral there #
- #needcoffee satisfied (but barely). Feeling like #theremustbesomewayouttahere but… #
- Depending on proprietary software? Depending of proprietary standards? Depending on the Cloud? Having a problem? #fail http://tcrn.ch/9JBR5l #
- s/ of pro/ on pro/ #
- @fabsh but WordPress themes are *definitely* code extensions to WordPress. Only non-programmers or who never looked at them would claim ow. #
- @carlopiana all #Apple #swpat on #truetype. There’s still some #Microsoft ones according to @jwildeboer. #
- Very soon, the progress bar will finally be legal to use in software in the EU. #swpat about to expire in October 24th http://is.gd/dxXmO #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: @ruiseabra @carlopiana MSFT has ClearType patents for subpixel rendering on LCD screens http://www.freetype.org/patents.html #
- @fabsh Don’t see it that way, but there’s a tendency in social networks to abuse definition of friend. For me, same thing, diff interfaces. #
- @fabsh @gbraad octopus! #
- ♺ @lxoliva: meus pensamentos sobre as prisões no caso Brazil Series: http://fsfla.org/blogs/lxo/2010-07-19-brazil-series #
- ♺ @satipera: European Commission to lay down software purchasing guidelines for its 27 member states http://is.gd/dyejY !fs #
- Sorry for group-spam !fs 🙁 #
- Olha a #Optimus a tentar esquivar-se de desbloquear o Optimus Boston da cara metade… still in call… 18 min #
- Não compreendo a Optimus. Estamos no período de devolução. Nada impede devolução, nova compra. Só dão é chatices a todos. Eles e nós. #
- Revendo a situação, só o pagamos quando o levantamos no correio no dia 9, e é só a partir daqui que conta. Portanto é mesmo só para chatear. #
- É mesmo só para chatear que tentam não desbloquear… #
- @macno from android market, and yes it still has the same problem #
- plz RT @remixtures: Partido Pirata Português está a recolher assinaturas para a sua oficialização. Informem-se aqui! http://ff.im/-nV0B0 #
- @macno will look into it, just dunno when 😐 #
- True Blood is now ending each episode with some massive awesomeness of oldies selection… #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-19
- ♺ @pietercolpaert: fumny apple chose the #openmoko marketing strategy for iphone4: buy brick. At least with #freerunner, we can improve it #
- How do these loud screaming people expect the working people to be such? #
- @fabsh Only if your huge entertainment system is a bunch of Linux modules 🙂 #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Quicken Online Users Saw Bait, Switched To Mint.com, And Are Left With Nothing – http://tcrn.ch/9JBR5l must be a moral there #
- #needcoffee satisfied (but barely). Feeling like #theremustbesomewayouttahere but… #
- Depending on proprietary software? Depending of proprietary standards? Depending on the Cloud? Having a problem? #fail http://tcrn.ch/9JBR5l #
- s/ of pro/ on pro/ #
- @fabsh but WordPress themes are *definitely* code extensions to WordPress. Only non-programmers or who never looked at them would claim ow. #
- @carlopiana all #Apple #swpat on #truetype. There’s still some #Microsoft ones according to @jwildeboer. #
- Very soon, the progress bar will finally be legal to use in software in the EU. #swpat about to expire in October 24th http://is.gd/dxXmO #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: @ruiseabra @carlopiana MSFT has ClearType patents for subpixel rendering on LCD screens http://www.freetype.org/patents.html #
- @fabsh Don’t see it that way, but there’s a tendency in social networks to abuse definition of friend. For me, same thing, diff interfaces. #
- @fabsh @gbraad octopus! #
- ♺ @lxoliva: meus pensamentos sobre as prisões no caso Brazil Series: http://fsfla.org/blogs/lxo/2010-07-19-brazil-series #
- ♺ @satipera: European Commission to lay down software purchasing guidelines for its 27 member states http://is.gd/dyejY !fs #
- Sorry for group-spam !fs 🙁 #
- Olha a #Optimus a tentar esquivar-se de desbloquear o Optimus Boston da cara metade… still in call… 18 min #
- Não compreendo a Optimus. Estamos no período de devolução. Nada impede devolução, nova compra. Só dão é chatices a todos. Eles e nós. #
- Revendo a situação, só o pagamos quando o levantamos no correio no dia 9, e é só a partir daqui que conta. Portanto é mesmo só para chatear. #
- É mesmo só para chatear que tentam não desbloquear… #
- @macno from android market, and yes it still has the same problem #
- plz RT @remixtures: Partido Pirata Português está a recolher assinaturas para a sua oficialização. Informem-se aqui! http://ff.im/-nV0B0 #
- @macno will look into it, just dunno when 😐 #
- True Blood is now ending each episode with some massive awesomeness of oldies selection… #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-18
- ♺ @jerezim: Transcription/wikification of the #ACTA 20100713 leaked text is complete! (with color, etc.) http://ur1.ca/0ow4l #
- Poulsobo can of worms ♺ @openattitude: So this would mean that #MeeGo won’t run on #Nokia’s own #Booklet3G, then? | http://ur1.ca/0pogz #
- @JMF1957: Uma aventura no MinEdu. Magalhaes2 ilegal e agora mais isto? #
- Very bad. Avoid as if it had the plague ♺ @gbraad Poulsbo/PowerVR is bad for Linux. Any vendor could benefit/take place if they open instead #
- ♺ @satipera: An Open Source 8-Bit Computer to Save the World http://cli.gs/3d2Np #fs #linux #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Poachers kill last female rhino in South African park for prized horn – http://bit.ly/dpd3PB depressing: done with helicopter #
- ♺ @zoobab: Comment of Hartmut Pilch on the EU Patent video removed by Euractiv "Comentario eliminado" http://ur1.ca/0pujg #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: Truetype hinting #swpat (Apple owns them) have expired. So now the BCI is enabled by default in FreeType http://is.gd/dx6yz #
- Man… what happened to Shyamalan? 8% in a film? Wow… http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/last_airbender/ #
- Best positive comment in 1st page is pretty grim: «It’s no surprise it is doing better business at box office than most experts anticipated» #
- Wow! «The story isn’t the bad part of The Last Airbender – in fact, it’s the best part… The bad part is almost everything else.» #
- Shyamalan movie with 8%… *sigh* At least Toy Story 3 has a wooping 99% with 225 reviews. #disturbing #
- @bugabundo o vosso «attention span» está assim tão reduzido? 🙂 #
- I figure I’m going to bed. #
- @macno posting from #mustard on an 1.6 !android is giving an “Error posting notice” without any details. #
- @greve Reason to not love Switzerland: summer has 1 month? 🙂 #
- @tonnerre I’d call it a Spring but… 🙂 #
- @tonnerre: over thirty from May to October? #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-17
- What a night. At least hopefully the kids I entertained will be more interested in space thanks to #celestia. #
- @jwildeboer: So you will hear lots of teen girls having orgasms in the cinema every time there’s a piece of visible flesh? #
- @jwildeboer: Ah, Bowie’s son. That Moon is awesome! Enjoy! #
- @glynmoody: isn’t that something that could be read as a human rights violation? #
- Learning how to give babies a bath… #
- ♺ @bkuhn: It’s confirmed #Motorola Droid-X !android !linux device is crypto-locked-down ur1.ca/0pis5 Boycott Motorola buy #Google N1 instead #
- @bkuhn: I wonder if Gigabyte G1385 can work decently with replicant, as that’s what my wife has. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-16
- My prediction WRT online newspaper pay walls is growth of free community news, and their natural persecution as news ‘pirates’ by old farts. #
- ♺ @techdirt: Vampire Weekend Sued Because Photographer Might Have Falsified Model Release http://dlvr.it/2j8Lq #
- Told ya it was crap. One more reason. ♺ @slashdot: #OAuth, OpenID Password Crack Could Affect Millions http://bit.ly/ce4E3B #
- Except, of course, at least in #oauth all data is publicware, starting with consumer secret and key. ha ha ha #
- FMI `a porta e tudo ‘udido ♺ @andersongouveia: O que aconteceria se Portugal saísse da comunidade europeia ? Quais seriam as consequências? #
- A experiencia de provar caracoois: #meh… uma broazinha de milho ia melhor com o molho… #
- @andersongouveia: Onde vez governo eu vejo desgoverno, mas o Socrates nao passa de mais do mesmo. Vem como o PPC #
- @BRIANMBENDIS:Yes, you do suck… me out of money with your excellent story telling 🙂 #
- @andersongouveia: Sim, e o proximo que vier que feche a porta! #
- !freesoftware ♺ @akfoerster: Neelie Kroes on #OpenSource and the importance of communities http://tinyogg.com/watch/cElSD/ #
- ♺ @samadeu: Inaceitável! Polícia prende estudantes q mantinham site Brasil Séries http://ur1.ca/0p86n Polícia diz que compartilhar é crime! #
- @pietercolpaert: tomorrow does not qualify as warning in advance! Do play well! hehe #
- ♺ @telecomix: We are looking for swedish organisations who _could_ be opposed to Data Retention. Help us at http://is.gd/duO2S ASAP PLZ? #
- @fabsh: magnesium does help with cramps! My pregnant wife can testify so! #
- @fabsh: but it’s not a ‘take one dose and you’re fine’ medicine. #
- Em Portugal tambem! ♺ @samadeu: É preciso fazer uma campanha contra a ação obscura da polícia que trabalha para a APCN. #apoioP2P #foraAPCN #
- ♺ @PauloQuerido: Estado português é jóli. Carga fiscal sobre micro-mini e pequenas empresas é MAIOR que sobre as médias e grandes. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-15
- Pronto, ja arranjaram forma de acabar com o caso dos submarinos. 😐 #corrupcao evidente. #justica #portugal #fail #again #
- ♺ @normnz: NZ Patent Bill will exclude “Computer programs”. No ifs or buts. http://is.gd/dsGgD Congrats and thanks to all who have camp … #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: un-hackable devices like the droid-x are #fail. Closing down openness is #doublefail. Beware. http://is.gd/dsJz8 #
- Laptop battery problem solved? 2-3 years in market? Much less pollution? Non radioactive? Wow! http://is.gd/dsKbA #betavoltaic #battery #
- Ok, apparently #betavoltaic #battery is a hoax http://is.gd/dsKy2 #
- Se fosses só tu… ♺ @ndantas: Trabalho com gente muito burra !!!!! #
- Alô? CTT? O vosso site (pelo menos na pesquisa de objectos) está todo $”#%ido… #
- Bem… esteve a manhã toda assim, mando uma mensagem para aqui e passa a funcionar rápidinho… mt bem 😉 #
- ♺ @apdc: ANACOM promove um inquérito de satisfação http://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1034868 #
- ♺ @glynmoody: #NHS loses massive Microsoft licensing rebate http://bit.ly/c5KA3p excellent news: couldn’t come at a better time #opensource #
- ♺ @techdirt: Could Bolivia Opt-Out Of Berne And WIPO And Forge A New Path On Copyright? http://dlvr.it/2gWRl #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-07-14
- ♺ @techdirt: UK Newspapers Point Out That Prince’s Anti-Internet Crusade Makes No Sense http://dlvr.it/2cB9F #
- ♺ @brunomiguel: Encontro Ubuntu-PT em Lisboa, 15 de Julho, 18h30 http://3q3e.sl.pt/ apareçam #
- @arnebab: #disturbing that it’s a video about a !GNU project, but in an unviewable format! youtube-dl can’t download it 🙁 #
- @arnebab: 2+2=4 I understand you’re the author of that !GNU #HURD video, could you please make it available in OGG? kthnxbai 🙂 #
- @mtjm: is it hidden under javascript? #
- @mtjm: I just allowed draketo.de to run javascript, and I still see no Ogg/Theora link, there. #
- erms… Ogg Theora #
- @arnebab: @mtjm: viewing source I see there is some ogv file, cool! Wonder why Firefox 3.6.4 doesn’t display the video 🙁 !GNU #
- @arnebab: awesome video! #
- Who said it was stuck? ♺ @ArneBab:#GNU #Hurd code_swarm video http://draketo.de/filme/frei/hurd-codeswarm-1991-2010-no-it-aint-forever3.ogv #
- Vai doer se acontecer, mas… talvez necessário? ♺ @JMF1957: Sampaio e Mello: “Portugal pode vir a entrar em falência” http://is.gd/drr3f #
- @arnebab: thanks and sorry for the confusion, I guess I have some local problem here for later to investigate! #
- @gijs WRT «another 250,000 Classmate PCs» in Portugal, they’re comint from an illegal (IMO) procurement (complaint exists in EC). #
- ♺ @ppinternational: RT @piratepartyNZ: Chile First To Approve Net Neutrality Law http://bit.ly/9ptfil #
- @fabsh I don’t think cell phone radiation fears are totally bullshit, but they sure seem overblown. Regardless, it’s still too early to tell #
- @fabsh: Massive contact of humans with cell phone related radiation hasn’t had time enough for long term effects study. #
- @fabsh: so what I can say, for now, is that it’s probably just FUD. #
- @fabsh: Indeed, but you have to admit that only recently (in biological terms) has massive contact of population with such radiation started #
- @fabsh: but due to the inconclusiveness of all these studies I also refuse to vigorously claim it hasn’t any problems worth paying attention #
- @evan: last I checked, it wasn’t very friendly (JavaScript making things slower, display horizontally large, etc…)! #
- @evan: just checked with Ventura on !openmoko and display is better, indeed! #
- ♺ @slashdot: Don’t Stop File-Sharing, Says Former Pink Floyd Manager http://bit.ly/91ozcW #
- ♺ @techdirt: First Post-Bilski Patent Appeals Ruling Rejects Software Patent http://dlvr.it/2dMjd #
- @jwildeboer fuck Vodaphone. Vodaphone international policy is «fuck ze net neutrality! can I haz trejure? kthnx suxr» #
- Batedores do Meo apresentam novo preço, ligeiramente mais barato q o q tenho com Zon pelos mesmos 20mbps. Mas ao fim do mês é mais 20% #fail #
- Note-se que é +20% se entrar em conta com o que pago pelo telemóvel (incluindo o assalto dos preços gprs). #
- #gwibber really is a pain in the butt “3732 rms 20 0 254m 20m 2148 S 96.9 1.1 123:09.61 beam.smp” cpu temp way up #
- @pietercolpaert: I would be honoured to do so, but I’m not proficient in Java or Design Patterns, would be a bad reviewer for #catchup 🙁 #