Updates for 2013-04-24

  • @gijs @glynmoody @webmink Illegal procurement favouring #Microsoft in Portugal killed in the courts #
  • @karsten @kirschner Illegal procurement favouring #Microsoft in Portugal killed in the courts #
  • RT @jra As seen on Boingboing today (paraphrased). “The Human Centipede is an example of trickle-down economics”. #
  • Will the EU Parliament Let #TAFTA Turn Into Another #ACTA? La Quadrature du Net please act now or tomorrow at the latest #
  • @glynmoody the saddest thing is: that city Hall is run by the Communist party, 1 of the 3 parties paying some attention to Free Software. #
  • RT @glynmoody Net freedom organizations urges #W3C to reject Encrypted Media Extensions, a proposal to build #DRM into the Web – http:// … #

Tribunal Constitucional chumba criação do Tribunal Arbitral do Desporto

A impossibilidade de as futuras decisões do Tribunal Arbitral do Desporto (TAD) poderem ser alvo de recurso para a justiça civil levou nesta quarta-feira o Tribunal Constitucional (TC) a chumbar o projecto para a criação deste órgão. A fiscalização preventiva do diploma fora requerida pelo Presidente da República, Cavaco Silva, no princípio do mês de Abril.

Tribunal Constitucional chumba criação do Tribunal Arbitral do Desporto

A impossibilidade de as futuras decisões do Tribunal Arbitral do Desporto (TAD) poderem ser alvo de recurso para a justiça civil levou nesta quarta-feira o Tribunal Constitucional (TC) a chumbar o projecto para a criação deste órgão. A fiscalização preventiva do diploma fora requerida pelo Presidente da República, Cavaco Silva, no princípio do mês de Abril.

Illegal procurement favouring #Microsoft in Portugal killed in the courts


Straight from the press release, ESOP, a Portuguese association of open source companies, challenged in the Fiscal and Administrative Court of Almada, a public procurement, 31A2012 for licensing and maintenance of Microsoft software, launched in September, last year, costing about 550.000,00 €.

The court decided it was indeed illegal and decided in favour of the accusation.

This is the first judicial decision on this subject matter in Portugal, and it found it was illegal to purchase licensing of software this way, in spite of numerous alerts and complaints by ANSOL and now ESOP as well.

The full press release is attached to this post.

This is huge!