Zabbix Postfix (and Postgrey) templates

Today’s Zabbix templates are for Postfix and Postgrey (but separated in case you don’t use both).

Since I run a moderate volume set of email servers, I could probably have Zabbix request the data and parse the logs all the time, but why not do it in a way that could scale better? (yes, I know I have 3 greps that could be replaced by a single awk call, I just noticed it and will improve it in the future).

I took as base a few other examples and improved a bit upon them resulting in the following:

  1. A cron job selects the last entries of /var/log/maillog since the previous run (uses logtail from package logcheck in EPEL)
  2. Then pflogsumm is run on it as well as other queries gathering info not collected by pflogsumm (in my case, postgrey activity, rbl blocks, size of mail queue)
  3. Then zabbix_send is used to send the data to the monitoring server

The cron job gets the delta t you want to parse the logs, in my case it’s -1 as I’m going it per minute and that’s an argument to find … -mmin and you’d place it like this:

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/ -1

This setup will very likely require some adaptation to your particular environment, but I hope it’s useful to you.

Then you can make a screen combining the graphics from both templates as the following example:

Zabbix Keepalived template

I’m cleaning up some templates I’ve done for Zabbix and publishing them over here. The first one is Keepalived as a load balancer.

This template…

  • requires no scripts placed on the server
  • creates an application, Keepalived
  • collects from the agent:
    • if it is a master
    • if it is an IPv4 router
    • the number of keepalived processes
  • reports on
    • state changes (from master to backup or the reverse) as WARNING
    • backup server that’s neither a router or has keepalived routing as HIGH (your redundancy is impacted)
    • master server that’s neither a router nor has keepalived routing as DISASTER (your service will be impacted if there’s an availability issue in one real server as nothing else will automatically let IPVS know of a different table)

I still haven’t found a good way to report on the cluster other than creating triggers on hosts, though. Any ideas?

Up next is Postfix and, hopefully, IPVS Instance (not sure it can be done without scripts or writing an agent plugin, though. I haven’t done it yet).