- Connected to the internet via my !freerunner with GPRS, thank you !shrproject #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-03
- @toreuyar: doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose? Doesn’t kvm require hardware virtualization support? #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-02
- O caderno de encargos para o #Magalhães 2 está aqui http://is.gd/bQRdv e estou a escrever uma análise aqui: http://is.gd/bQRee #
- Não publiquei isto antes por temer represálias judiciais uma vez que se pagava para obter estes dados e havia dever de sigilo. #
- Agora que foram anúnciados (sem qualquer surpresa) os vencedores, penso que não faz mal nenhum. #
- The “public” procurement for laptops for kids in #Portugal which demands #Windows 7, #Intel (in a hidden form) and #OOXML http://is.gd/bQRee #
- @kyrrith: it’s the !ubuntu proprietary-friendly way, quite inhuman, IMHO. #
- @floschie: and they already granted the procurement to, guess what, Intel and Microsoft distributors JP Sá Couto and Prológica #
- ♺ @andersongouveia: Em breve estará pronto o meu Livro de Asterisk e VoIP, espero ter muito êxito. Agradeço desde ja o apoio de todos. #
- @CienAoNatural http://www.imdb.com procurar por scrubs #
- Do início ao fim, apenas o que disse Mariano Gago que enfureceu os lobbies das editoras: http://is.gd/bR8gs Quem interpretou mal o quê? #
- ♺ @PartidoPirataPT: I uploaded a YouTube video — Declarações de Mariano Gago sobre a Pirataria http://youtu.be/VQ3RCIH6EE8?a #
- ScrtAvngrs 1-4@brubaker/@mikedeodato http://twitpic.com/1kdh16 http://twitpic.com/1kdhcq http://twitpic.com/1kdhlh http://twitpic.com/1kdi33 #
- I hope I can upgrade my laptop from !fedora 12 to F13 as smoothly as the upgrade from !ubuntu #karmic to #lucid was on my media center. #
- How did this crap get back in? To recover some #swpat lucidity in !ubuntu #lucid: sudo apt-get remove `dpkg -l | awk ‘/mono/ { print $2 }’ ` #
- @sunny256: oh, but sadly we do have #swpat in Europe… just not valid *yet*. #
- @sunny256: not all #swpat owners attack !freesoftware Microsoft does increasingly so with recourse to #swpat #
- @rahulsundaram: I really would love to, but this is my work laptop, I need to have some reasonable assurance that I won’t break it 🙂 #
- @rahulsundaram: hey, the link you sent is empty of content. Probably bad link? #
- I wished I could test in a VM, but KVM gives me an instant reboot after a few seconds of launching a machine under !fedora 12 🙁 no dbg msgs #
- @rahulsundaram: I found it by trying virt-manager and then directly qemu-kvm to try to repolicate the issue. #
- @rahulsundaram: qemu-kvm -m 512 -hda zbr.img -cdrom /dev/sr0 -boot d == instant reboot with no debug message whatsoever. #
- @rahulsundaram: I don’t like reporting bugs with “only problem” and no debug message, but I get nothing in the logs. #
- @gbraad: kvm worked well in my previous Dell Latitude D531 but this replacement one has minor diferences (eg, working internat wifi). #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-01
- ♺ @zoobab: MPEGLA going after Theora, Apple & Microsoft, along with a host of tech companies, are also members of MPEGLA: http://ur1.ca/y8z1 #
- ah what a nice warm and fuzzy feeling to see #omnewrotate being upgraded from opkg update 😉 !shrunstable !openmoko !freerunner #
OMNewRotate 0.5.8 is out!
I’ve just released omnewrotate 0.5.8 which integrates Tim Abell’s improvements to rotation sensitivity and I’ve added some code so it is smarter about detecting the paths for setting the brightness level while rotating which changed in more recent Linuxs (2.6.32 and beyond, I think).
As I’m running SHR-Unstable, your mileage may vary but it’s likely it will work 🙂
As usual, the download links are at the project’s Google Code site for omnewrotate (see the featured downloads section):
SHR-Unstable users should only need to upgrade (later today, or in a day or so).
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-30
- ♺ @slashdot: Avatar Blu-Ray DRM Issues http://bit.ly/9Uveve #
- ♺@schestowitz: Steve Jobs: “A Patent Pool Being Assembled to Go After #Theora and Other “Open Source” Codecs” http://ur1.ca/y5kt #apple #ogg #
- Portuguese video clubs want to sue the Portuguese state for innaction against piracy. http://ff.im/jCsL5 Can I sue for lobby-caving? #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-29
- @glynmoody yes, we need another platform. One that’s more “traditional” GNU/Linux stack (WebOS is made upon OpenEmbedded, like !freerunner) #
- Or like !freerunner mostly is (nowadays, #SHR only, perhaps, since h:1 and Debian are, well, Debian :)) #
- O #concurso #ilegal para o novo #magalhães já tem vencedores e não são surpresa: #Intel #Microsoft #JPSaCouto #Prológica #
- @leinir: I honestly forgout about #meego, you’re exactly right… sorry. #
- @glynmoody: the most popular “linux” phones (Android) almost only use the kernel Linux and then an almost proprietary stack. #
- Porque é que considero o #concurso do novo #magalhães #ilegal? A saber mais tarde (não prometo para hoje, mas incluirá o doc dos requisitos) #
- @gbraad: totally forgot about #meego don’t hit me more, please 🙂 but I’d still say WebOS was more popular than N900, in sales. Am I wrong? #
- @glynmoody: which is why I said I think we need more stacks with traditional GNU/Linux APIs available (in answer to your article) 🙂 #
- ♺ @zoobab: 5.000.000EUR for violation of a software patent: http://ur1.ca/xweg #
- @glynmoody: oh, not necessarily, I’m biased but I’d prefer OpenEmbedded with !SHR and !FSO 🙂 #
- Last call: alguém vai aos Mão Morta hoje à noite e quer aproveitar para jantar pela Baixa? #
- De qq ds formas, autoestradas pagas sob use/pay é um insulto à minha pessoa, há milhares de km de não uso e os meus impostos contribuiram. #
- Para além de serem mal geridas como a merda, 400 km de alcatrão podiam ser refeitos num fds se contratadas 20 empresas a fazer 20km cada. #
- Como é que a A1 está tantos anos em obras? 🙂 #
- Sentado quase nas grades que separam a plateia do palco onde vao actuar os Mao Morta. Esta quase… espero q o Adolfo nao corte a perna 😉 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-29
- @glynmoody yes, we need another platform. One that’s more “traditional” GNU/Linux stack (WebOS is made upon OpenEmbedded, like !freerunner) #
- Or like !freerunner mostly is (nowadays, #SHR only, perhaps, since h:1 and Debian are, well, Debian :)) #
- O #concurso #ilegal para o novo #magalhães já tem vencedores e não são surpresa: #Intel #Microsoft #JPSaCouto #Prológica #
- @leinir: I honestly forgout about #meego, you’re exactly right… sorry. #
- @glynmoody: the most popular “linux” phones (Android) almost only use the kernel Linux and then an almost proprietary stack. #
- Porque é que considero o #concurso do novo #magalhães #ilegal? A saber mais tarde (não prometo para hoje, mas incluirá o doc dos requisitos) #
- @gbraad: totally forgot about #meego don’t hit me more, please 🙂 but I’d still say WebOS was more popular than N900, in sales. Am I wrong? #
- @glynmoody: which is why I said I think we need more stacks with traditional GNU/Linux APIs available (in answer to your article) 🙂 #
- ♺ @zoobab: 5.000.000EUR for violation of a software patent: http://ur1.ca/xweg #
- @glynmoody: oh, not necessarily, I’m biased but I’d prefer OpenEmbedded with !SHR and !FSO 🙂 #
- Last call: alguém vai aos Mão Morta hoje à noite e quer aproveitar para jantar pela Baixa? #
- De qq ds formas, autoestradas pagas sob use/pay é um insulto à minha pessoa, há milhares de km de não uso e os meus impostos contribuiram. #
- Para além de serem mal geridas como a merda, 400 km de alcatrão podiam ser refeitos num fds se contratadas 20 empresas a fazer 20km cada. #
- Como é que a A1 está tantos anos em obras? 🙂 #
- Sentado quase nas grades que separam a plateia do palco onde vao actuar os Mao Morta. Esta quase… espero q o Adolfo nao corte a perna 😉 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-28
- ♺ former !FSFE president awarded German Cross of Merit for work on Free Software and Free Open Standards ur1.ca/xk2l congrats Sir @greve #
- ♺ @greve: All boys dream of being knights, don’t they? http://ur1.ca/xk2l !fsfe !gnu #
- Portal do Cidadão é mesmo uma maravilha. Recebo *hoje* um convite a participar na consulta pública simplex2010 que termina depois de amanhã. #
- Don’t buy from these guys! ♺ @slashdot: #Microsoft Signs #Android Patent Deal With #HTC #swpat http://bit.ly/auuu2B #
- enjoying a nice sunset yonder the rooftops from my living room with !elmdentica, #midori and my !freerunner #
- My only sadness right now is that I have to go, now, for a quick planned intervention. Sigh… need to relax. #
- Amanhã: Mão Morta. Algum dos meus subscritores também vai? Jantar antes? Onde? 🙂 #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Music industry spokesman loves child porn – http://bit.ly/9qm5u5 nice of him to be so candid about their plans for #censorship #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Why #Mobile #Patents are Such a Mess – http://bit.ly/d5JcBQ excellent summary of farcical situation (via @sjvn) #swpat #
- @gbraad: g’night! 🙂 #
- #HP buys #Palm? How about freeing the best hand recognition method *ever*? #graffiti #swpat #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-04-27
- @tolf: why don’t you work with the !freesoftware #OpenBTS? It’s already capable of receiving calls, last I heard (by FOSDEM’10) #
- @tolf: then u have Request Tracker, OTRS (a plus if you do ITIL as it’s got Pink Verify and it’s about to publich CM process), and Bugzilla #
- «é pá, ó amigo!»? 🙂 frase apanhada pelos microfones da #rtp enquanto um outro jornalista também tentava fazer chegar um micro ao Cavaco. #
- @jwildeboer: 96? I guess I’m from about 96 as well! 🙂 #