Shouldn’t have waited so long, but I got kind of de-motivated.
Sorry to all who got held up with a frustrating bug, I’ll try to make up for it.
Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
My biggest shame in the Free Software world, to have let this program sort of die. Fortunately, I also lost the motivation I had for it, having lost the few Windows machines I had needed it for long ago.
Shouldn’t have waited so long, but I got kind of de-motivated.
Sorry to all who got held up with a frustrating bug, I’ll try to make up for it.
Erick Woods, anterior maintainer do TSClient, passou-me o manto deste projecto.
Na minha TODO list prioritária está a integração dos vários patches existentes e a migração da residência do projecto da Sourceforge para o
Obrigado, Erick!
Erick Woods, previous TSClient maintainer, handled me the project’s maintenance flag..
My priority TODO list includes the integration of several existing patches and migrating the project from Sourceforge into
Thank you, Erick!