I love learning new stuff

Really! Learning new stuff is always good to improve yourself, even when it’s something so boring as accounting (well, this one I need to help myself believe it).

This is definitely not news for many people, but I always wondered how failban was blocking an ip.ad.dre.ss when I couldn’t find any of the banned IPs with iptables-save | grep ip.ad.dre.ss

I always left it for another time and boy did it pass long and quickly, with other things more important.

But no more! This past weekend I finally learned how fail2ban manages IP block lists with Firewalld: it uses ipset and then creates iptables multiport matches on that defined ipset!

Boy, was I happy… May come in useful in the future, and in the past it was definitely very useful at times, rather than other workarounds.

Still… nice. I must thrive to make time to learn new stuff at least every weekend.

Não, #Lidl e #SilverCrest, depois de vender vocês não mandam…

Caros Lidl e SilverCrest,

Gostei muito dos auscultadores que comprei esta semana na vossa loja mas fiquei a-bis-ma-do com a vossa falta de vergonha e muita lata:

Condições de utilização

«Os auscultadores só podem ser utilizados para uso privado, e não com fins industriais ou comerciais

O quê? Mas a que propósito se acham sequer com coragem de declarar isto? É vergonhoso que achem isto correto!

Depois desta falta de vergonha, ainda têm a distinta lata de terminar com a seguinte frase ao virar a página, na mesma secção:

«Deve respeitar as leis e os regulamentos nacionais do país de utilização.»

Olha, ninguém quererá mesmo saber disto, eu por mim estou só a dar um desabafo e vocês, Lidl e SilverCrest, seguramente nem querem saber.

A verdade é que eu estou satisfeito com o produto e vocês ficaram satisfeitos com o dinheiro.

Só não dou o devido uso a este papel porque prefiro algo muito mais fofinho, está bem? 🙂

I retired some pants, thanks to #keto

After having passed yesterday feeling always very worried my pants would fall off, I did a most needed check on pant sizes.

7 were retired for being too big to use, even with a belt
4 I can still use, with a belt
2 perfect fits (and boy did I miss these two 501’s)
3 that are still a bit too tight to feel comfortable

This means I should consider buying a few transitional cheap pants in a couple of months,  on the sales period.

All this I achieved by keeping myself quite faithful to a ketogenic diet.

No more staples!

I was told in follow-up that I’d be having some of the staples removed today, but things looked so good that all of them were removed!

Staples, after removal

In a few days, the remaining stitches will also be removed.

I’ve had surgery #hospitalporn

Back in May 29th I woke up fresh, well humoured, proceeded to have a shower and just afterwards, as I dried myself, in a matter of naught but a couple of seconds I thought an explosion had gone off in my head, the strongest headache I ever felt fired up and left me unable to do anything, having to wake up my family to take me to the big H, fearing the worse (stroke, or something worse entirely).

This post will have some gore imagery but it won’t be automatically displayed, you’ll have to click the images in order to view them. It was so traumatic to me that I need to do this as a sort of catharsis.

WARNING: it is long, and it’s mean, and VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

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