- ♺ @jmcesteves: RT @RaysTechLawHash Discussion: EU To Monitor All Internet Searches via @Slashdot http://bit.ly/auZRVd #
- ♺ @JNegocios: Bruxelas ameaça levar caso Magalhães ao Tribunal de Justiça http://xl.pt/r/bvEFLv #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Scott Adams: Economic Value Of Content’s Going Zero, But Maybe It’s Okay http://bit.ly/9xdRwS gradually they get it #abundance #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Comment: Mozilla does it their way – http://bit.ly/9nkcBJ good point #mozilla #privacy #
- @torswin: !fedora did you a favour! more space for music! #
- Seria bom que os Eurodeputados portuguesses fossem a esta conferência no Parlamento Europeu, bora passar palavra? http://is.gd/cBtqT #
- It would be good if MEPs went to this conference in EuroParl, spread the word, please! http://is.gd/cBtqT Financing culture in digital era. #
- Sometimes, it seems that even though an HTTP 200 OK is returned, there’s no content in identi.ca or twitter. !elmdentica crash bug now fixed #
- @support it appears, to me, as if I’m making some calls to friends_timeline.xml and get 0 bytes with http 200 OK !elmdentica #
- Bad is calling me…. #
- See how it calls me? s/Bad/Bed/ zZzZzZzZ #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-02
- ♺ EXIF metadata oops @iRevolt The #Flotilla: How Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fakes Photos of Seized Weapons http://bit.ly/bDZnLm #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: https://wiki.koumbit.net/AndroidFreeSoftware FaiF sw for android. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-01
- ♺ @gbraad: good interview with @tuxbrain’>@tuxbrain #
- @support having problems? @elmdentica can’t mark as favorite @gbraad’s http://is.gd/cyyRR an error dialog opens up just saying “error”. #
- @smaffulli don’t bother with @lefty as he clearly has some serious emotional issues with #FSF and @rms. You’ll just loose your time. #
- @lefty Interesting (and revealing) that you confuse slander and hate-speech with critique. Notice I never tried to shut you up, so be free. #
- @lefty It’s also interesting (and revealing) that you confuse advice freely given with babysitting. #
- And now I’ve just violated my own advice *sigh* back to coding… #
- @support yeah, seems to be gone now. It was via the web browser, but gone now, thanks. #
- @support and the bug I needed to fix is now fixed. #
- @gbraad yeah, and what is the most weird is that I thought I had nailed this bug previously… must have accidently reverted the fix 🙁 #
- Yay! 🙂 ♺ @puentesarrin: ElmDentica (http://goo.gl/NVTZ) en Español Perú: http://goo.gl/a6bb !elmdentica #
- @smaffulli oh, right, they might just forsake their mission, relicense to whatever just for the popularity of #Apple Store. *not*. #
- @smaffulli they complained and proposed two remedies: either comply with the license, or stop distribution. Bad is on Apple. Their move now. #
- @smaffulli you have it with openembedded or debian mobile devices. “app stores” just prove repositories are a popular wish. s/repo/appstore/ #
- @smaffulli What leverage has FSF over #Apple and their Stores? None AFAICT. Should they care? IMHO they shouldn’t. #Apple’s a lost cause. #
- @lefty As usual, 140c is hardly enough for serious talk lest ye be misunderstood. In the axis of user’s freedoms, the move is on/from Apple. #
- AppleStore terms are incompatible with any Free Software license, but more so in the case of GPL which forbids more restrictions. Good IMHO. #
- @lefty What are the app stores but repo’s? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. No difference AFAICT. Oh, kill switches! #
- SO, AppleStores GNU/Linux repos + DRM + single source + no user control + kill switches, what am I missing? #iPay society, not for me. #
- @smaffulli Removing GNU Go is not stick, stick would be law suite for having done so and demanding retribution. #
- @smaffulli Removing GNU Go is self imposed from #Apple. Bad is on Apple, not #FSF, for that move. #
- @smaffulli And besides, there are many millions more dependent on other drug suppliers, like Microsoft. #
- @smaffulli Removal appears self imposed by #Apple. #FSF has «written to Apple and asked them to come into compliance». http://is.gd/cyFYl #
- @smaffulli How else are you going to have your rights defended under the current copyright regime? Sad, yes. Alternatives? #
- @smaffulli It’s *impossible* for #FSF to make a Free Software mobile “app store” and I hope they don’t waste resources on that. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-31
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-30
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-29
- Not #identica? ♺@glynmoody Eric Raymond joins #Twitter http://bit.ly/9qvXzC "Yes, I *am* that ESR." well, of course… #esr #
- @bkuhn: unreliable, perhaps. !freerunner has many hardware problems. but ‘unusable’ isn’t fair to all the hard work done so farby many. #
- @gbraad we’re about to have a smaller common awake-margin. Thanks to the Internet 2000km == 10000km, but awake-margin becomes the challenge. #
- @gbraad have a nice time in Beijing! #
- @support I flagged @blackotaku by mistake, how can I unflag him? Sorry @blackotaku! 🙁 #
- @bkuhn @candrews possible workaround: donate code with a receipt of value (estimate worth per hour and how many hours you spent), feasible? #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-28
- Parabens! 2^5? ♺ @zach: Happy birthday @rejon! #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Supreme Court Gets RIAA Copyright Case – http://bit.ly/bk8qwu not sure if this is big or not; any views? #copyright #scotus #
- ♺ @fontana: @glynmoody it is just a petition for #scotus to review the case – chances are won’t be taken up #
- Just delivered my tax report, and just in time too. Stressed out that *now* Portugal forces me to use proprietary software for eGov #fail #
- In previous years I could do that with a huge HTML form in a web page if I didn’t want to use their proprietary application. Now gone. #fail #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-26
- @moskovich: your account is compromised ! #
- ♺ @schestowitz: Patent Troll (MPEG-LA) May Own Your Personal/Family Videos http://ur1.ca/03p82 #swpats #patents #antitrust #
- @bkuhn:Babylon5 last a season is a whole lot better than the spin off series but all in all I keep imagining only four seasons exist ! #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-25
- ♺ @jwildeboer: Nero sues MPEG-LA for fraudulent behaviour, antitrust, sherman act – could this help VP8 and Ogg? http://is.gd/covMc #
- @gouki: ok, falamos por email, entao. #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: And here in EN. An iPad per MEP. Paid from our tax money. Geez. http://is.gd/coxyQ #
- Running preupgrade to gain !fedora 13 without reinstall. #
- @brunomiguel I just plainly hope kvm works, it’s my main motivation to upgrade asap 🙂 #
- Sadly, !fedora 13 doesn’t solve my misterious issue with kvm oh well, at least a newer firefox /me shrugs… #
- @brunomiguel if I wanted Gentoo, I’d run Gentoo 😉 joking… I don’t have enough life to go around compiling kernels randomly. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-05-24
- @carlopiana: are you not mixing the rule with the corolarium ? 🙂 #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Eircom to cut broadband over illegal downloads – http://bit.ly/cUlQO3 good reason to leave Eircom… #ireland #threestrikes #
- ♺ @carlopiana: @jwildeboer yes, we should. This is the best we have for open audio/video, thanks Google. But problems cannot be just ignored #
- #Pino is nice, but if it has multiple accounts, it should fetch from all, and not just one at a time… #
- #Pino looks very much like an early version of !elmdentica when I didn’t allow multiple accounts #
- Fedora 13 is about to come up! Sadly without OpenOffice.org in it’s Live CD, I wonder what’s making it so hard to include it… #
- Evaluating by how much I cut from RHEL/CentOS to get a minimal install with kickstarts, I’m guessing it’s a comps or deps issue. #
- @floschie for developers, I agree, for admins, I don’t understand why you need license management. #
- Streaming em formatos livres! Nada de pagar para só alguns verem! ♺ @gbraad: #Flumotion streaming VP8 in #Ogg and #WebM http://bit.ly/aXt5Hh #
- @dandart WebM uses Vorbis as audio codec and VP8 as video codec !fs #
- @tieguy @fontana I’d rather have a lengthy study because of it being really studied than a rushed one with prejudiced conclusions. #
- @tieguy @fontana unless, of course, this is just to pretend long and hard study with conclusions already in the drawer. #
- @pietercolpaert why do you want derivatives of political statements? so you can claim someone said something else? 🙂 #
- @pietercolpaert “BY” means you’ve got to preserve attribution, nothing about a link back. #
- @pietercolpaert you can use any 100% proprietary film to explain your opinion. refining other’s statements is not a good freedom 🙂 #
- @pietercolpaert and I’m sure that if you ask, they’ll let you translate it. #
- Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah, #swpats ! “all the money has shifted from the lab to the lawyers,” http://bit.ly/bO4wzI #stemcell #
- @smaffulli seems like it’s Microsoft #fauxopensource (MS-OSP) but better than redemption.dll (if at all feasible). #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Lady Gaga Says No Problem If People Download Her Music; The Money Is In Touring – http://bit.ly/caoQDa < of course… #
- The Prisoner (with Ian McKellen and Jim Caviezel) is turning out like a very pleasant surprise! A must watch! #
- @PiaGuerra: loved Y, never cared for LOST. Thank you for the lovely artwork in it! #
- @jacerdeira: how about using gitorious instead, which is a freesoftware git hosting service? #
- @jacerdeira: as to projects, I’d suggest to start by scratching your itches … #