Is anyone else having problems with #
pidgin on #
ubuntu jaunty and #
gtalk accounts?
Well, all, thanks for your messages, but to me turning my gtalk account on == immediate segault
jwildeboer: mailed you at your work email from my work email, it would be super if you can get me a quick answer 🙂
Dear lazyweb, does Apple Mac OS X come with stunnel or something similar, and if not, where to get stunnel for Mac?
mjray: thanks. I know nothing of MacOSX but I need to go to someone with a ready solution. is fink pre-installed?
mjray: nothing native for MacOSX? the guys who are responsible for it’s administration know nothing of Mac, and I don’t know much either.
mjray: well, thank you very much, anyways, it’s already been a good help! 🙂
The new notifications on #
ubuntu #
jaunty are awesome! You even type through them to the windows below. Nice!