Updates for 2013-05-14

  • RT @arnebab #Phoronix conclusions distort their results, shown with !GCC vs. #LLVM/Clang On AMD’s FX-8350 Vishera → … #
  • cc #pl118 ♻ @glynmoody Copyright in France: Wishful Thinking and Real Dangers – more crazy Net stuff from #france #

My first #Drupal related patch

I’ve recently installed the Corporate Clean theme on ANSOL’s website because of it’s fluid design and top slides.

However, the slides are implemented directly in php code in the page.tpl.php file. I hated that. So I pushed my hate towards a positive result: a fix proposal.

So now you just put some PHP block on the Slideshow region, add a custom field to the pages you want to show up there and use the Summary for the content. Seems simple enough and it’s possible to change the slides without needing direct access to the code, so you can let less experienced people just post content.

French Report Says: Kill Hadopi, But Let Its Legacy Live On

Article note: What all general news outlets don’t tell you is that only the Hadopi *agency* is being proposed to close down.

The bad laws, of course, are to be maintained.

When Francois Hollande was running for President of France, he said that he would repeal Hadopi, the three strikes law and agency that enforces it, rolling back this effort which the entertainment industry had celebrated (France was the first to propose and implement such a plan). After elected, his culture minister, Aurelie Filippetti made it clear that she was not impressed by Hadopi and ordered a study of the effectiveness of the effort, led by Pierre Lescure — a former entertainment industry executive — to look at possible proposals. His report came out Monday morning and it suggests killing off Hadopi, but is still chock full of other bad ideas. Hadopi the agency would be done away with, but another agency would pick up some of the responsibilities, it’s just that they’d greatly decrease the “punishment” aspect. Rather than losing internet access and having to pay up to €1,500, you’d keep your access and fines would be topped at €60.

But, on top of that, there are other policies that Lescure suggests that seem pretty bad as well, including extending the copyright levy (the “you must be a criminal tax”) to cover smartphones, tablets and any other connected device. He also suggested turning search engines and ad networks into copyright cops, asking them to cut off those deemed to be involved in large scale infringement. We’ve discussed in the past why this is an idea that won’t work and will likely stifle innovation while locking in some of the more dominant players (like Google), but governments do seem to like it.

The report does have a few good things to it: including getting publishers to finally release their content as ebooks, allowing more non-commercial remixing and such. In the end, it’s a mixed bag, or as the French publication Le Point noted: l’Hadopi est morte, vive L’Hadopi (Hadopi is dead, long live Hadopi).

Of course, this is also just a report, with no binding aspect to it. The government may choose to ignore the whole thing or to pick and choose some parts to implement. Either way, it does make the key point that, for all the money the French taxpayers have put towards Hadopi, it’s been a near total waste: “While illicit file sharing has dropped, legal paid services have not benefited as was hoped.” It all goes back to the same point we’ve argued for years. The industry keeps thinking their goal is to get rid of piracy, when we’ve been saying that the real goal is to figure out ways to make more revenue. They — incorrectly — seem to feel that the first leads to the second, even as there is almost no proof to support that conjecture in the long term.

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French Report Says: Kill Hadopi, But Let Its Legacy Live On

Article note: What all general news outlets don’t tell you is that only the Hadopi *agency* is being proposed to close down.

The bad laws, of course, are to be maintained.

When Francois Hollande was running for President of France, he said that he would repeal Hadopi, the three strikes law and agency that enforces it, rolling back this effort which the entertainment industry had celebrated (France was the first to propose and implement such a plan). After elected, his culture minister, Aurelie Filippetti made it clear that she was not impressed by Hadopi and ordered a study of the effectiveness of the effort, led by Pierre Lescure — a former entertainment industry executive — to look at possible proposals. His report came out Monday morning and it suggests killing off Hadopi, but is still chock full of other bad ideas. Hadopi the agency would be done away with, but another agency would pick up some of the responsibilities, it’s just that they’d greatly decrease the “punishment” aspect. Rather than losing internet access and having to pay up to €1,500, you’d keep your access and fines would be topped at €60.

But, on top of that, there are other policies that Lescure suggests that seem pretty bad as well, including extending the copyright levy (the “you must be a criminal tax”) to cover smartphones, tablets and any other connected device. He also suggested turning search engines and ad networks into copyright cops, asking them to cut off those deemed to be involved in large scale infringement. We’ve discussed in the past why this is an idea that won’t work and will likely stifle innovation while locking in some of the more dominant players (like Google), but governments do seem to like it.

The report does have a few good things to it: including getting publishers to finally release their content as ebooks, allowing more non-commercial remixing and such. In the end, it’s a mixed bag, or as the French publication Le Point noted: l’Hadopi est morte, vive L’Hadopi (Hadopi is dead, long live Hadopi).

Of course, this is also just a report, with no binding aspect to it. The government may choose to ignore the whole thing or to pick and choose some parts to implement. Either way, it does make the key point that, for all the money the French taxpayers have put towards Hadopi, it’s been a near total waste: “While illicit file sharing has dropped, legal paid services have not benefited as was hoped.” It all goes back to the same point we’ve argued for years. The industry keeps thinking their goal is to get rid of piracy, when we’ve been saying that the real goal is to figure out ways to make more revenue. They — incorrectly — seem to feel that the first leads to the second, even as there is almost no proof to support that conjecture in the long term.

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The dark ages are a-coming again.

It was inevitable, either a gun or a blade, or a house or clothing or, when we can just poor some organic paste, food.

In terms of IT, hardware and software wise, we must first finish the dark ages before entering illuminism.

Right now, they’re gathering the tools for the witch hunting.

DMCA, EUCD, DRM, IPRED, ACTA,  PIPA, SOPA, CISPA, Patriot Act, cyber crime convention, etc. All laws designed to control magicians.

Creating the mental global acceptance that these IT age magicians must be put to the fire.

We can do little than to fight against that as much as we can, but not, IMHO, by blaming the people behind 3d printed guns, like Cody Wilson, as much as we disagree with the concept of weapons (and I do).

They’re just an excuse that, if not spontaneous, would eventually be fabricated. They’d give a 3d printer and enough incentive to a militia through an infiltrated agent, or some other method.

We need to fix this by changing society, but that takes generations.

Ao que isto chegou!!

Com esta sucessão de desrespeitos atrozes à nossa constituição, junto a minha às vozes que apelam pela queda do governo.

Se não gostam das regras do jogo, ou negoceiam regras novas ou vão comer tremoços para o jardim da Estela.

Mas fazer das pessoas parvas desta maneira começa a ultrapassar o tolerável em nome dos apoios externos.

Preferia a Merkel a governar, pelo menos era mais honesta.

Oops, the touchscreen broke


How ridiculous this feels.
An android tablet, Google Nexus 7, with a mini male to normal female USB adapter connected to an USB hub, where I connected a mouse and keyboard (because typing with the mouse is an even worse experience than typing with your finger, even with slide typing).

Today, from one hour into the other, I don’t know how but the screen broke in two cracks, it’s then three pieces and only the smallest one has touch, which I deduce it’s where it connects with the PCB.

At least this setup allowed me to make a last second full backup before wiping to factory defaults and send to insurance.

I hope it doesn’t last long before I get it back, I’m already with shivers due to abstinence…

Bom Jesus, Braga

Saudades… Pelo menos deu para apanhar esta vista sobre o lago, as fotos não fazem jus ao ar de reino mágico que parecia estar presente no ar.




Microsoft’s Most Profitable Mobile Operating System: Android

puddingebola writes “Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols has a piece of commentary discussing Microsoft’s profit from their patent claims on Android. From the article, ‘To some, Windows 8 is a marketplace failure. But its flop has been nothing compared to Microsoft’s problems in getting anyone to use its Windows Phone operating systems. You don’t need to worry about Microsoft’s bottom line though. Thanks to its Android patent agreements, Microsoft may be making as much as $8 per Android device. This could give Microsoft as much as $3.4 billion in 2013 from Android sales.'”

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