Setup front slides feature, new theme and Planet ANSOL

These last few days I’ve added a theme with slides feature to ANSOL’s website, changed the way it did them so it’s much, much more useful, and setup a feed aggregator for ANSOL’s members, that is Planet ANSOL. Read on to know more about what, and how it it changed.

The theme

…is called Corporate Clean, which not only carried a slides feature, but also has a more flexible layout for smaller screens like phones and tablets.

First I tried the default color, but then I changed to warmer colors as it was too cold for my taste, at least, and fixed up the logo which was looking a bit like, well, crap.

Went on to checkout how the slides worked and shrieked… this feature is hard coded on the page template! That will not do. So I hacked it in order to contain a region for the slides, duly called Slideshow, where I would be able to put a block.

Next, I added a custom Boolean field to the Basic and Event pages to mark whether that page’s Teaser/Summary was to be considered a slide. One only has to edit the Teaser/Summary and check the Slide check box by the end of the node edition page.

Finally, I wrote a small piece of PHP code that uses Entity API to query the database for nodes with that field set to true and display it’s teasers in the same manner that the theme had them hard coded.

The result is nice, and now you don’t need to hack code in order to make slides, although they do seem a bit too big to me, but maybe it will work.

The planet

… was very quick to setup with the Views and Feeds modules. I created an aggregation of the blogs I knew some members had, then hammered the view presentation options until I was satisfied with the result.

The main trick is to include all the feed fields you want to use, hide them from visibility and then use a generic text field to display them (using placeholders) in a more adequate form than the default one. Magic!


Pomos, não mantemos, nem tiramos.

É muito fixe colocar parques infantis num jardim, mas já agora um mínimo de manutenção é necessário ou então mais valia retirar.

Há coisas que neste momento estão atrozes do ponto de vista da segurança da criançada que brinca neste parque nos jardins em Belém, mas como é evidente não é um cartaz a dizer que a Câmara Municipal de Lisboa não se responsabiliza que impede seja quem for de correr riscos desnecessários.







My favorite quote from Frankenweenie, applied to software

Frankenweenie is a very cool movie by Tim Burton, get it, watch it. My favorite quote from it is when the science teacher, Mr. Rzykruski, refutes the scaremongering against science that is launched by the mayor, who was very angry since his boy fell down a roof in a very unwise science project he and his friend were doing.

Ladies, gentleman.
I think the confusion here is that you are all very ignorant.
Is that right word, ignorant? I mean stupid, primitive , unenlightened.
You do not understand science so you are afraid of it, like a dog is afraid of thunder or balloons.
To you science is magic and witchcraft because, because you have small minds.
I cannot make your heads bigger, but your children’s is. I can take them and crack them open.
This is what I try to do. To get at their brains!
Ah, thank you.

This quote always reminds me of how so many people treat computers (well, the software) as some kind of magical thunder or witchcraft balloons and then proceed to make all sorts of bad decisions.

These go from colleagues and bosses to politicians and statesmen (in a generic form, not trying to tie out these roles to anyone in particular, mind you) and often the unwise decisions stemming from this ignorance have very, very bad results like wasting money of bad software solutions just because they have “support” (often so bad that it’s much worse than non SLA bases community support we’re used to on healthy Free Software projects) or stupid, primitive, unenlightened law proposals, some of which haven’t been stopped in time, some of which return in attempt after attempt like zombies from a B movie.

How can we fix this? Sigh. Updates for 2013-05-02

  • Ó malta do Debian PT, não querem fazer uma festa para o Wheezy? Vá lá, a ANSOL ajuda se for preciso 🙂 #
  • Ou melhor, no que é que a ANSOL pode ajudar o Debian PT para fazer uma vez para o Wheezy? Go, go go! #
  • “DECO estuda réplica do leilão de electricidade em sectores públicos essenciais” pois, meio milhão q perdeu direito de os criticar não chega #
  • RT @carlopiana Sabam, asks money for nothing, wants levied charged on Belgian ISP (what?!??) sues them (WUUUUT?) h h … #

Molly Crabapple’s SHELL GAME, free and CC

Robbo sez, “Molly Crabapple’s first major solo show, SHELL GAME, closed last Tuesday. Yesterday she released hi-res versions of the works under Creative Commons Share-Alike Non-Commercial. In her words:

“Without the support of hundreds of people online, Shell Game would never have happened. The internet believed in me, believed in the promise of my art, and showed that in concrete ways.

The internet gave me Shell Game.

I want to give them something back.

Today is May Day. The day of workers, immigrants, beautiful young girls, and rebellion. I’m releasing all the art from SHELL GAME on Creative Commons. Share. Remix. Make art. Wheatpaste the world.”

Shell Game: CreativeCommons release (Thanks, Robbo)


Molly Crabapple's SHELL GAME, free and CC

Robbo sez, “Molly Crabapple’s first major solo show, SHELL GAME, closed last Tuesday. Yesterday she released hi-res versions of the works under Creative Commons Share-Alike Non-Commercial. In her words:

“Without the support of hundreds of people online, Shell Game would never have happened. The internet believed in me, believed in the promise of my art, and showed that in concrete ways.

The internet gave me Shell Game.

I want to give them something back.

Today is May Day. The day of workers, immigrants, beautiful young girls, and rebellion. I’m releasing all the art from SHELL GAME on Creative Commons. Share. Remix. Make art. Wheatpaste the world.”

Shell Game: CreativeCommons release (Thanks, Robbo)


4 (out of 5) ssh security tips

There are some security tips for your sshd_config at however the third one, Change the SSH Port on the server, is a lot of hot air.

“By changing the default port you will make SSH server more secure. By changing the default port you will reduce the amount of brute force attacks.”

Only the second phrase of this statement is truthful, but still, not by a wide margin…

Security by obscurity never works, it’s better to follow the other 4 advices and use fail2ban or something similar.