- Sent a patch for Elementary adding text_get to elm_anchorblocks http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/ticket/473 #
- Listening (unintended) to the horrors of developping for Apple and iPhones… oh brother how I love my OpenEmbbeded #
- Gostava de saber, porque Portugal defende patentes de software na comissão europeia… não são as empresas portuguesas que defende certam/ #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-12-02
- #GIMP s could become endangered species, help protect them by subscribing http://www.petitiononline.com/botgimp/petition.html #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Civil Liberties Groups Ask EU to Repeal Data Retention Directive – http://bit.ly/8SdCi1 good luck with that, via @EDRi_org #eu #
- @davewiner WRT “We need: An open source Twitter shell” do you know http://status.net/ and it’s show case http://identi.ca/ ? #
- It’s raning cat’s and dogs in Lisboa. (oh wait, I think I saw a toad as well). #
- Esta história das escutas já cheira tão mal, que neste momento há interesse público em conhecer o seu conteúdo. #
- Sugestões para melhorar o sistema de justiça português: acabar com o estatuto de arguido e com o segredo de justiça por omissão. #
- A quem tenha acesso às escutas do momento: cumpra o dever cívico de as publicar no wikileaks.org #
- @ghostnet (fictício espero) será que têm as escutas? não as querem publicar? 😀 #
- ♺ @jamie_love: In Germany, Firefox marketshare now larger than Microsoft IE http://bit.ly/6DNcEw #
- Damn, V remake will *only* return in 4 months… #
- @bugabundo sadly it is true… #
- Did you do your job to help bring out The GIMP? http://www.petitiononline.com/botgimp/petition.html bring it out of Ubuntu’s software vault. #
- ♺ @zoobab: Swedish Prsdncy ‘ll put centralisation of patent system on the table tomorrow, software patents on the way to be validated in EU #
- @ipublicis lol, mas depois do Nobel da paz ser dado ao Obama, isso representa alguma coisa? 🙂 #
- @teddks but after the Nobel Peace Prize was given to Obama, does it mean anything? 🙂 #
- @schestowitz you really have a lot of people who just plain hate you, looking at some protest subscriptions of the petition. #
- Não sei porque estão todos preocupados com a credibilidade da justiça portuguesa, já-se foi há muito tempo! #
- até é um dos motivos para menor investimento externo no país… #
- parece-me bastante hipócrita defender que haja credibilidade na justiça portuguesa… #
- Can’t work on !elmdentica until EFL (well, elementary) get’s fixed. Hence getting it all from svn to see if I can find out why it is borked. #
Experiment: better sound on remote end
One of the problems people complain about my calls from the Freerunner is *bad*sound*. Lot’s of background noise, static, etc. I’m not talking about the familiar buzz problem, as I’ve had the buzz fix applied to my phone. However what I found to fix this problem on my phone model (GTA02v5 + buzz fix) goes totally against the official information. So much so that there’s at least one person who, from his very good knowledge about this subject (Really! This is *not* sarcasm!), thinks this fix is as good as putting some peanut butter over the microphone :)[1]
I know of at least one other person who claims to have better sound on remote end from this fix, but I think I need to drop the challenge. Can you try the current SHR Unstable, apply this fix and then report on the mailing lists your results?
You can? Good! So here’s the fix:
- call someone who noticed your bad sound and check whether the sound is still bad, then finish the call
- edit /etc/freesmartphone/alsa/default/gsmhandset
- change control 63 (it’s also on line 63), so that it ends in 3 rather than in 2:
- Old value: 63:'Mic Sidetone Mux':1:2
- New value: 63:'Mic Sidetone Mux':1:3
- call that person again and check the result
Alternatively, in one call, you can ssh into your phone and use alsamixer to change the same control, but this change will not be persistent until you do the steps above.
So let’s hear your results, nothing like a good empirical experiment.
[UPDATE: Added sound recordings]
In the following recordings (complete set here), I said «The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog» starting with Mic2, then Right PGA, then Left PGA.
- in perfect conditions;
- with tv making background noise (news);
- 2. + computer playing loud music («Te Quiero Puta» from Rammstein) at the same time.
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-24
- No we won’t migrate to OpenOffice.org or GNU/Linux because of user training is a bullshit argument. Just look at the deployments of office07 #
- @jwildeboer what imaginary numbers? #
- No user training at all in most places. If this happens with your tax money, SUE! #
- @jwildeboer oh… that looks like an imaginary number indeed. surveys are not the best tools for that analysis. #
- ♻ @boingboing Britain’s new Internet law — as bad as everyone’s been saying, and worse. Much, much worse. – BoingBoing http://bit.ly/2uuXrG #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-23
- Alguém quer partilhar viatura até à Free Software World Conference em Cáceres para a semana? http://is.gd/51SCz #
- @mako you’re too hard on the little device… although it does have an OSD keyboard, it’s not suitable for editing articles. #
- ♺ @zoobab: Amazon Oneclick cousin “by this online and send it as a gift” patent granted by the USPTO: http://i5.be/UT #
- ♺ @fsf: FSF works with PayPal to the benefit of the free software community: http://www.fsf.org/news/paypal !fsf !gnu !lp #
- Realizing I’m SPAM after being unable to read the words in 10 recaptcha reloads. #
- “Hi dad…” nice twist this week on Dexter… 🙂 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-17
- Governo português quer criar chip espião nas viaturas http://diario2.com/vem-ai-as-portagens-virtuais-3213 inclui GPS => FASCISMO. #
- Estou estupefacto por um governo socialista (dito “esquerda”) querer impor uma medida totalitária de controlo dos movimentos dos cidadãos. #
- Esquerda ou Direita, este tipo de medidas é de um inaceitável desejo de controlo dos cidadãos. #
- Espero que a maioria de oposição impeça o avanço desta medida, muito mais importante que outros fait divers #
- Is !fedora 12 out, yet? 🙂 #
- Indeed it is! ♺ @ufa: !fedora 12 released: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_one_page_release_notes / #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-16
- This weekend I saw a Nokia N900. Too bad it is in practice proprietary software because it’s a really interesting device. #
- The screen, however, even though it has a large resolution (800×480), is a phone-size small screen. Too small for a good reading. #
- But it is a powerfull computer that fits your pocket. Computer => should run Free Software. Which is why I won’t be buying a N900. #
- ♺ @rcweir: ODF 1.2, Part 3 goes out for public review http://bit.ly/4Gns5N #odf #
- ♺ @jamie_love: Amigo: “we no longer accept new countries to become part of the ACTA because it’s closed” #
- ♺ @jamie_love: Jorge Amigo, Director of Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property, and host of next ACTA meeting: jamigo@impi.gob.mx #
- This time you sing e-lec-tric. #
- Where’s the pond api? 🙂 #
- @magicfab the text bar is hidden (brain-dead default), pull it up! !ubuntu agree on feedback, add horrible UI #
- I’d love to take a shiny brand new F12 DVD iso with me tomorrow. Can I haz !fedora 12 please? kthnxby #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-15
- @gijs sadly I don’t read sweedish, could you give us the gist of it, please? #
- @jwildeboer funny how they *only* apologise to their customers (what about the authors who where “raped” — using BSA newspeak? :)) #
- @gijs yes, danish, thank you very much 🙂 #
- @gijs they could have ISO OOXML because they’re changing the standard to be equal to Microsoft Office, by *discarding* some changes. #
- @gijs changes decided in the BRM! It’s like them breaking their expectations in stock, if they decrease them along the year, success! #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-14
- Good news, new !elmdentica release maybe this weeked. Bad news: perhaps only for yet unreleased new !shr unstable 🙂 #
- @luish nada de estranho, !ubuntu é um !GNU / !Linux enquanto que !Linux é um kernel 😉 #
- Yeah, gave up on a few bc of it ♺ @rhk: Why doesn’t #wordpress plugins & themes clearly state the licence at http://wordpress.org/extend/ #
- just found out gwibber has a bug I fixed half an hour ago in !elmdentica 😉 #
- @luish experimente fazer o download do Linux em http://www.kernel.org/ -> como se chama o tar.gz? Essa descrição não contradiz! *tsk* 🙂 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-11-13
- A solução para a falta de munições da PSP é seguir o exemplo britânico. Em geral basta o casse-tête 😉 #