WTF? FirefoxOS uses Bing as default search provider?
Yuck, I must fix that. Finally after almost a week I have had some time for me and that’s the first thing I must fix. Thanks to the very helpful comment from Mathieu in this blog post, I wrote a very small shell script that replaces the search provider to your favorite one, defaulting to Google.
It uses sudo for the privileged commands but doesn’t need to completely run as root. Its your choice, run ./ or sudo ./ taking as optional arguments (in this order), the Title, the URL and it’s Favicon url. Miss one and the Google default will be used 🙂 eg:
./ \ "Duck Duck Go"
First, it sets the options, then starts adb-server and fetches the browser application (note that you need the android-tools package in Fedora or the Android SDK):
#!/bin/sh TITLE=${1:-Google} URL=${} ICO=${3:-} sudo adb start-server sudo adb pull \ /system/b2g/webapps/ sudo chown $USER:$GROUP mkdir application cd application/ unzip ../
Then, it does the magic with the help of Perl:
perl -pi -e " \ s|(DEFAULT_SEARCH_PROVIDER_URL: ?)'.*?'|\$1'$URL'|; \ s|(DEFAULT_SEARCH_PROVIDER_TITLE: ?)'.*?'|\$1'$TITLE'|; \ s|(DEFAULT_SEARCH_PROVIDER_ICON: ?)'.*?'|\$1'$URL'|; \ " js/browser.js gaia_build_defer_index.js
Finally, it rebuilds the browser application and pushes it back to the phone and reboots it (it shouldn’t need a reboot, maybe there’s a way to avoid this?):
zip -fr ../ . cd .. sudo adb remount sudo adb push \ /system/b2g/webapps/ sudo adb reboot
So, here it is, finally fixed 🙂 Well, temporarily (it will be better fixed following the results of and or something similar) at least.

To the extent possible under law, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Fix FirefoxOS Default Search Provider. This work is published from Portugal.