Updates for 2009-09-30

  • @bugabundo isso são horas de contar com alguém acordado? 🙂 #
  • Here Comes Another Bubble (em #Ogg) #
  • Trying to watch an Ogg video at dailymotion with #shiretoko on !ubuntu #jaunty and it doesn’t play! any hints? #
  • @slytherin I’m sure it was an ogv when I uploaded it, and openvideo.dailymotion is supposed to use html5 and ogg to play. !ubuntu #
  • @bugabundo o que é que tem a processar? já foi submetido em ogv caraças 🙁 #
  • @slytherin but I still don’t see it with firefox-3.5 🙁 !ubuntu #
  • @slytherin I’m going to ask DailyMotion, this sucks 😛 #
  • Fundamental Paradigm Shift (for most people): I Read Your Email (wonderful t-shirt) is a fact unless you use encryption. Don’t be a sucker. #
  • Será que a @presidencia envia email não cifrado? E recebe não-cifrado? E usa POP3? Ou IMAP? Ou a merda do Microsoft Exchange? Suckers! #
  • Well, I’ve complained about OpenVideo not working, with the DailyMotion contact. Thanks for your help guys! !ubuntu #
  • @jwildeboer could you give some pointers on #zcs at EU directives or something similar? I don’t think we have that in Portugal… #
  • @jwildeboer yes! #
  • !freerunner failing me when I most need it. Murphy’s looking upon me, for sure. #
  • Certo é os utentes ficarão a perder ♻ @siconline Destino do IPO no centro da discussão da campanha eleitoral em Lisboa #