Updates for 2010-05-14

  • ♺ @glynmoody: AirForce PS3 Supercomputer Screwed By Sony Killing Off #Linux Support open source becoming hard t replace #
  • @evan It all boils down to this: they want to appeal to something “apparently” lacking here (I dunno). Solve the absence, problem solved. 🙂 #
  • It’s a shame that Garzon was suspended. #
  • A scandal not much different than a corrupter being cleared by the court because he was dumb enough to try with the wrong person (in Pt) #
  • 100 Milhões € pagavam cerca de 1/3 do aumento do IVA até ao fim do ano. Em licenças Microsoft do e-Escolas+e-Escolinhas dava para mais 1/3. #
  • Quem me dera ter tido uma prof gira que posasse na Playboy quando era novo… morro de inveja 🙂 #