Updates for 2010-09-10

  • @reality: but opkg is maintained ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @sanjayankur: It’s impossible to do that securely with #oauth and client applications, and twitter blocks secrets of !fs apps. !fedora #
  • So it should not be a !fedora blocker #
  • Last !fedora update of !linux returned working suspend to most radeon laptops. #sadly not mine, even though it worked reliably before. #
  • @giallu: boycott #twitter #oauth! That’s what !elmdentica did and we should all do so. !fedora special exceptions are false solution. #
  • I mean special exceptions for 1 app or 2 in any distro is disgusting&exclusive towards other !fs. !fedora and !ubuntu. shouldn’t accept #
  • RT @glynmoody India “will make it mandatory to have open & royalty-free standards” for e-gov – big win (via @rcweir … #
  • @nailuj: You’re putting it upside down. I recommend !fs micro blog apps to #boycott #twitter because they impose anti freedom measures. #
  • @nailuj: the clients are functional, it’s #twitter who’s breaking them with a false security auth mechanism and locking !fs apps out. #
  • @reidrac: What Canonical did with #gwibber and #oauth is not much different than what Novell did with Microsoft. #
  • @reidrac: All I’m saying is that agreements to allow a client on a distribution are despicable. #twitter #oauth is incompatible with !fs #
  • It’s a shame when the shallow goal of popularity makes ‘acceptable’ to have ‘proprietary’ software acceptable. #
  • @reidrac: Of course Novell’s deal was a whole lot of a more serious level.#sadly both are akin #
  • @lopo: esta complicado, a minha maior presenca online tem sido o via o meu freerunner… sry. #