- RT @jmcesteves Ken Thompson: “Reflections on Trusting Trust” http://is.gd/fnVKA #
- @jmcesteves: A questao e q la porque em direitos civis ela e ma, pode ser boa em obrigacoes da AP no q diz respeito a @transparencia/crrpcao #
- RT @jmcesteves Orlando Braga: “Maria José Morgado e as bases de dados de ADN” http://is.gd/fnVsD #
- WRT Gallo report, see why #acta won’t change EU legislation? By the time they have to implement it, it’ll be the current law! #
- RT @schestowitz For those who don’t know, Gates bought the Guardian. It’s tainted now http://techrights.org/2010/09/21/purchasing-main-e … #
- RT @reality I put all the remaining gin in one drink. #
- @zach: @ahfornitani careful with overflows! #