- RT @jwildeboer RT @telecomix: #ICANN says to #UN “It is now time to design the New Internet Nation State.” http://bit.ly/fo64qg #interne … #
- RT @glynmoody #Warner Bros. Smarter Than The Average Studio? Won’t Fight Yogi Bear Parody – http://bit.ly/dIzRyK kudos for this tiny act … #
- RT @jmcesteves RT @kegill: “Stampeded legislation always comes back to haunt its authors” – Ralph Nader to Congress on #WikiLeaks http:/ … #
- RT @glynmoody wow, look at this: #copyright vs. #patents, 1720-2008 – http://bit.ly/dIT9ve interesting, no? #trends #ngram #
- @glynmoody: And I expect that could only count registered copyrights, right? If so, a lot more copyrighted works! #
- RT @reality @syntax No, because Windows use causes extensive brain damage. #
- RT @karsten #EIFv2 is far from perfect, but it’s still progress. Here’s my take: http://ur1.ca/2lynw !fsfe (Oh, and the FRAND fight is f … #
- RT @fabsh Beginning to think @bkuhn never sleeps. He just regenerates in a bucket for a while every 16 hours… #
- RT @glynmoody Governments shouldn’t have a monopoly on Internet governance – http://bit.ly/foUZ5H says Google’s Vint Cerf (via @Beautyon … #
- @schestowitz: Today PT government tv channel only said Manning leaked secret US files. Nothing on the war crimes it proved. Shame on #RTP #
- RT @schestowitz ♻ @maymaym] “What we are seeing is a rebellion,” John Pilger says @DemocracyNOW http://youtu.be/JzaclKj2B8M “and WL has … #
- @macno: Congratulations! #
- RT @glynmoody Amazon’s Mechanical Turk used increasingly for spam – http://bit.ly/eTEKQR Badwin’s Law: every technology ends up being us … #
- RT @glynmoody BPI (British IFPI) call to block the ‘Net – http://bit.ly/greBJk “the freedom of the Internet is intensely under threat.” … #
- RT @jmcesteves RT @arusbridger: Council of Europe has ‘inferiority complex’. EU human rights standards are an “irritant”. http://bit.l … #
- @mjray: It wouldn’t exactly be smart to let people make derivatives that could subvert the content of personal opinions, now would it? #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-12-16
- RT @karsten @glynmoody EU Citizen Initiative powered by Free Software << Great to see that #EU is serious about being accessible this time! #
- RT @schestowitz Even Goldman Sachs Recognises Microsoft’s Imminent Demise http://is.gd/iPVm9 #GoldmanSachs #Microsoft #
- RT @glynmoody The Republican language police – http://bit.ly/hq5khF Stalin would have been proud of them #words #
- RT @glynmoody RT @AlexiMostrous #assange hearing begins in 5 mins. Judge will issue ruling on twitter first following application by the … #
- @schestowitz: Careful with that yup, possibly someone’s mistaking identities. Besides NSA would be a lot more likely than FBI. #
- RT @schestowitz Security Alert: Backdoor found in HP modular storage arrays http://is.gd/iQ8U9 sad state of affairs… #
- RT @schestowitz Ubuntu running on a Chrome CR-48 notebook http://is.gd/iQ9Bt Chrome OS discoveries http://is.gd/iQ9Gq via @toros #
- RT @fsfe #EC replies to FSFE criticism re 189m EUR contract for mostly non-free software. EC reply & FSFE’s extensive comments at http:/ … #
- RT @jwildeboer #EIFv2 is out, Open Standards win. Open source wins. But FRAND still allowed w/o any definition. #
- RT @karsten EIFv2 is out http://ur1.ca/2lptx Analysing now. !fsfe #
- RT @laurelrusswurm rt @aztlek Julian #Assange remains free on bail.http://ur1.ca/2lps7 << Love the photo! (googleTranslation) !wikileaks … #
- RT @schestowitz ♻ @glynmoody thoughts…on the “distinction between attacking, hacking and participating in a political protest” – http: … #
- RT @glynmoody #Microsoft: Hoist by its Own Petard – http://bit.ly/fPTf4G I don’t think this was the conclusion MS expected from the rese … #
- RT @carlopiana I don’t see in #EIF a mandate to re-use existing open standards when available. Departure from good practice in spec setting. #
- RT @jwildeboer I am not 100% happy with #EIFv2, but BSA and other MSFT proxies seem to be really furious. So it must be good 😉 #
- @schestowitz: I still think it’s one of the safest operating systems, at least for firewalls, that there is. This #openbsd allegations, FUD. #
- RT @glynmoody Council text on web blocking – breaking the law to fight crime – http://bit.ly/dXQmw5 what a rubbish text #EU #censorship #
- RT @jwildeboer RT @FOSSpatents: CPTN (acquirer of 882 Novell patents) is Microsoft, Apple, EMC, Oracle http://bit.ly/eMcoIE thanks @VM_g … #
- RT @lopo @ruiseabra Torna-te um agente pela transparência e promove a integridade. Associa-te à TIAC. Divulga. http://ur1.ca/2lq6y #
- @jwildeboer: All of those love !freesoftware as leeches love blood… #
- RT @schestowitz Spamhaus’ False Allegations Against wikileaks.info http://is.gd/iQLD4 #
- RT @bkuhn @copiesofcopies,I suppose now I can say: I heard this same backdoor story about !GNU earlier this year & I don’t think the sto … #
- RT @schestowitz ♻ @jamie_love @DaHammerstein I think EC is mostly trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the EP. They know US will not … #
- @webmink: good ridance to it and it’s proprietary firefox extension, I say. Once looked for an alternative but found none. #
- @evan idea: !statusnet could replace del.icio.us with posts called “link: URL #tag1 #tag2 …. #
- Se o #cablegate emite a verdade, Manuel Amado devia demitir-se para cumprir uma promessa. Se é falso, Portugal devia exigir desculpas. #
- ♺ @evan: @evan Oh, there we go. http://autonomo.us/wiki/Delicious_replacements #
- ♺ @evan: Oh, hey, this del.icio.us export format looks pretty easy to import. I think we can get something going pretty quick on #StatusNet. #
- ♺ @mvalente: The morons who confuse “command line apps” with “text terminal apps” should be shot on sight. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-12-15
- Woah! http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-security-announce&m=129237531405260&w=2 #allegation of an #fbi #backdoor in #openbsd #crypto #framework #
- Hope that a) this is not true or b) it has been cleared, in the meanwhile. #
- ♺ @robmyers: “Why is WikiLeaks employing a well-known Holocaust denier and his disgraced son?” – http://is.gd/iMHPT #
- I think that someone is entitled to be an holocaust denialist, although I think that is a very bad/stupid thing to be. (1/2) #
- (2/2) The real bad thing is that father & son contributed to spreading fake leaks using !wikileaks name. Not their personal beliefs. #
- RT @jmcesteves RT @jneves: Não comprem os Maias no Kindle – mais cedo ou mais tarde vai ser retirado: http://7sf8.sl.pt #amazoncensors ( … #
- RT @webmink Latest huge newsletter from Amazon Web Services makes no mention at all of issues arising from Wikileaks: http://wmk.me/eMBRJx #
- @schestowitz: A result already? #
- RT @glynmoody RT @evgenymorozov I’m okay with Zuck being the Man of the Year as long as Time accepts my Sissy of the Year award >>well said #
- RT @schestowitz ♺ @gnuzer #Zuckerberg before #Assange : time.com prefers peoples’ transparency to governments’ transparency http://is.gd … #
- RT @glynmoody Interdiction éventuelle de WikiLeaks : la France décidera “prochainement” [fr] – http://bit.ly/gMtRId careful what you do … #
- ♺ @telecomix: AT&T Blocks Linux Configuration http://bit.ly/hDrfny “…only pirates use Linux ” #
- Mispelling “closed” 🙂 great catch ♺ @webmink: @carlopiana Yeah – they wrote “cloud” instead… (but seriously: no mention of FOSS anywhere) #
- ♺ @jerezim: @FOSSpatents Individuals should be able to attend such events, don’t you think? The EU institutions are sick with lobbying… #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Avaaz petition: “WikiLeaks: Stop the crackdown” now up to 655K signatures http://bit.ly/dIEl1K only a couple more to a million #
- More relaxed, #openbsd #fbi #backdoor #allegation denied by named developers: http://bit.ly/ia4ATd #
- @glynmoody no, just another worsening of censorship laws in Portugal. #
- Era plantar-lhes uma bomba… #oops! 😉 http://www.publico.pt/Pol%C3%ADtica/aprovada-criminalizacao-do-incitamento-ao-terrorismo_1471153 #
- @glynmoody my previous statement (in Portuguese) was probably a violation of the law. I don’t know. Hard to tell with #censorship #
- @glynmoody probably I won’t go to jail, they’d have to prove I really intended to incite others to “set ’em up the bomb” 🙂 #
- @glynmoody Funny, with the #cybercrime law they didn’t prevent innocent people from commiting a crime by using “with intent” as they did now #
- @glynmoody YES, #ddos is included in the portuguese terrorism definition (not explicitly though) Law 52/2003 #
- @remixtures sim, o DDOS pode ser interpretado como um acto terrorista. 2.1.b da http://qlex.intraneia.com/lei/52/2003 #
- @glynmoody the change is not so bad per se. The real problem is portuguese law 52/2003 which has dangerously vague items. #
- @glynmoody this law merely added the incitement (with intent). #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-12-14
- ♺ @ccbuhr: New #EU Commission antitrust guidelines help for ex-ante IPR disclosures in standard-setting http://bit…. http://ur1.ca/2l53s #
- ♺ @jayrosen_nyu American press is starting to wake up to what prosecuting WikiLeaks would mean for its freedom http://jr.ly/6e9h >>finally #
- ♺ @jerezim: RT @GregMitch: FLASH Prosecutors will NOT appeal bail for Assange. bit.ly/hX2p0y #wikileaks #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: via @jimciuttoABC: Swedish prosecutors will not appeal #Wikileaks | seems swedish are not too convinced of their case … #
- ♺ @laurelrusswurm: rt @jimsciuttoABC Check that: Swedish prosecutors will now appeal. Decision w/i 48hrs. #Assange back to jail. !wikileaks #
- RT @jwildeboer Today: Berlusconi stays president, Assange stays in jail. IMHO it should be the other way round. #WeirdNewWorld #
- RT @lxoliva @schestowitz mandatory private health insurance is a tax on the poor, collected by privateers #
- RT @glynmoody Google’s Newest Patent: The Browser Search Highlight Button – http://bit.ly/h6hale oh, come off it: a pox on your PhDs if … #
- ♺ @wikileaks2: Assange trial makes British legal history | http://is.gd/iKQXA !wl #
- @bugabundo ainda não há resultado, apenas foi autorizado a tweetar durante o julgamento 🙂 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-12-13
- ♺ @schestowitz: #Cablegate Reveals Government Requesting Access to #Microsoft Data, Kill Switches http://is.gd/iF1tG #china #iran !wikileaks #
- ♺ @glynmoody: #Cablegate Reveals Government Requesting Access to Microsoft Data, KillSwitches http://bit.ly/flT6Jd #China story is important #
- < 600 thousand people have signed the Avaaz petition for !wikileaks let's reach a million! http://www.avaaz.org/en/wikileaks_petition #
- ♺ @teirdes: Dutch thinktank urges government not to legislate every time something upsetting happens online http://ur1.ca/2kt62 #
- RT @schestowitz #RedHat Pushes for Patent Reform While #Microsoft Patent Trolls Are Suing, Sometimes Losing http://is.gd/iFclR #swpats … #
- However, it seems to me that they could push for the end of software patents, instead of mere reform. #
- RT @usman @gbraad moneybookers.com is no good too as they closed down #wikileaks account back in August way before anybody else did. #
- RT @gbraad @usman BAD. Avoid #moneybookers too! #
- RT @jmcesteves RT @avilarenata: #WikiLeaks and Press Freedom: Is Treason a Civic Duty? http://is.gd/iFl2Z [Der Spiegel] #
- RT @lxoliva ♻ @glynmoody: !ACTA: Updated Analysis of the Final Version – http://bit.ly/fHvvpe let’s not forget about this huge threat to … #
- @asthro: What corner was lost in your !freerunner? #
- RT @schestowitz Phone Makers Increase Support For Linux Kernel Development http://is.gd/iFCs6 signal of a shift for Linux/everything int … #
- @asthro: sucks 😉 #
- RT @fabsh @trashbird1240 I agree. Shakespeare rocks. And especially Richard III is timeless since it’s about power and corruption. #
- RT @jwildeboer Dana Blankenhorn no more at ZDnet. Anyone know why? #
- @mlinksva: No English version? !cc #
- @mlinksva: Yeah but on expensive gprs connection and a small screen that’s not so convenient to do. #
- RT @glynmoody Public Knowledge Disappointed With Supreme Court Copyright Ruling – http://bit.ly/g18FV4 #firstsale doesn’t apply to forei … #
- RT @schestowitz ♺ @jwildeboer Can we build Royalty Free mobile phones? The patent war forces us to think about that IMHO. #
- I don’t have a smart phone I have a hand held computer with decent battery that happens to be able to make calls. !freerunner #
- RT @schestowitz ♺ @FFII @Fosspatents admits agenda is not #Foss. Who didn’t notice that? // common lobbying tactics… like ACT for ‘sm … #
- @schestowitz: make mirrors ! #
- RT @glynmoody RT @laughingsquid “WikiRebels”, an in-depth documentary on WikiLeaks has itself been leaked & now on YouTube http://bit.ly … #
- @mlinksva thanks 🙂 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-12-12
- ♺ @kevie Donate to #Wikileaks via Xipwire they have agreed to waive the fee and give 100% of the donation to wikileaks http://ur1.ca/2kgj4 #
- @bugabundo ui ca bom #
- Alt+` is an moronic US keyboard oriented shortcut #gnome-shell #
- @mvalente Vais gostar disto, se não conheceres já, um desktop repleto de JavaScript: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell #
- ♺ @wikileaks2: Democracy Now – Daniel Ellsberg: Julian Assange is Not a Terrorist | http://is.gd/iCtgG !wl #
- @lxoliva: I’d wish Benjamin would not had framed it as an article feeding wood to a fire more understandable with people as ESR as OSI lead. #
- @webmink: I wouldn’t pay much attention to that article as a personal attack. It’s mostly of historical reference, seems a bit ‘old’ in all. #
- @lxoliva: It definitely wasn’t well written. Should’ve focused a lot more in how to face situations when !fs isn’t as good or better,instead #
- @lxoliva: possibly but it kind of puts some negative pressure when there has been an obvious effort at reducing the gap from OSI, no? #
- @lxoliva: Maybe you should pay more attention to what @webmink has been writing. #
- @lxoliva: One should aim at being more tolerant with what one receives and more rigorous with what one gives. #
- So, how can a guy go to #fosdem with a six months old baby? So far it seems to me like a #nocando for me… #
- @lxoliva: He’s President of the board, so obviously such a post hits straight for the heart. #
- RT @jwildeboer @schestowitz same with google mail, livejournal, wordpress.com etc. Running your own server enhances freedom. #
- IMHO @mako should have focused on the subject because a jab on OSI undermines @webmink’s efforts of bridging the gap between communities. #
- @mako: If I understood the objective of your post correctly, I’d fix it in order to focus more on what it’s talking about. #
- @lxoliva: I don’t think he’s posing. Perhaps more sensitive today than usual. That poor choice of word attributes malice where none intended #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-12-11
- I think this is why ccsm doesn’t work in !Fedora along with a proposed solution: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=662294 #compiz #
- ♺@glynmoody Google’s Motion to Dismiss Paul Allen’s #swpat Infringement Complaint Granted http://bit.ly/fCxzUs lacks adequate factual detail #
- Fscking #DDOS on #Paypal must continue. You #idiots, this prevents me from cancelling my account in protest WRT their #wikileaks behaviour. #
- Reason presented to cancel Paypal account: Your unacceptable behaviour regarding #Wikileaks #
- Comment (1/2) The way you blocked (and block) Wikileaks account and donations to Wikileaks, made me realize you are not trustworthy (…) #
- Comment (2/2) (…) It is an unacceptable behaviour. Change this, or I won’t come back. #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: If true, I want to have an explanation from #paypal ASAP. Not acceptable. http://is.gd/iycWh Account blaclisted b/c wikileaks #
- ♺ @glynmoody: RT @jdub Anonymous press release author forgets to clear his PDF metadata: http://goo.gl/j9hPh #wikileaks #anonymous #clowns #
- ♺ @glynmoody: #WikiLeaks11 row: why Amazon’s desertion has ominous implications for democracy – http://bit.ly/g2GmGa more wise words #
- @gbraad who? and arer they? #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Libération hosts #WikiLeaks11 mirror: Statement – http://bit.ly/i4S36r “to help prevent the asphyxiation of WikiLeaks” #
- ♺ @glynmoody: In #Ireland, ISP’s “Three-Strikes” Disconnects File-Sharers for 12mos – http://bit.ly/fnEUhX utterly insane approach #3strikes #
- #PayPal. No longer «the world’s most-loved way to pay and be paid.» #wikileaks #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: ♺ @schestowitz: Freedom is not terrorism [IMG] http://i.imgur.com/GUH9m.png | spot on. #
- RT @fabsh ♺ @popey: Finding Ubuntu Unity incredibly hard to use. Cant find applications, zero feedback, ugly icons. Is this thing going … #
- @fabsh: and gnome shell isn’t that much better either…. #
- RT @hook More than 80 Groups Demand *REAL* Net Neutrality: http://is.gd/iyqcl ; Join in, this is important! → !FSFE #
- RT @glynmoody Letter From Canada: Why Is America So Furious About Wikileaks? – http://tcrn.ch/eTV3nE “people who run things are not part … #
- @fabsh: Yes, works well enough but it still looks very rough and bland, at least as it stands on Fedora. #
- @fabsh: Ok, I believe you. Any trusty repo you’d recommend? #
- ♺ @jwildeboer: Do not forget ACTA while fighting for wikileaks. #
- ♺ @evan: Isn’t it time you moved your business to the clown? #clowncomputing #newtrend #
- Eek! Sorry guys, I didn’t notice that as I updated the categories my plugin polluted my timestream… So sorry 😐 #
- LOL, Like #PlanetTerror’s and #DeathProof’s fake trailer and now real movie #Machete rocks 🙂 Thank you guys! #
Bye bye, #Paypal! You should not have harassed #Wikileaks
I’ve just cancelled my Paypal account because I can’t agree with their actions regarding #Wikileaks. They should not have prevented them from getting donations, either by harassing them or harassing other customers who donated (if true).
I don’t support #DDOS attacks, they’ve made my attempts to cancel the account much harder, and my cancelling of the account shows a better protest than making it harder for innocent people to do their business.
Update: it was a bit hard to do because of the #DDOS, but eventually I did it.

Identi.ca Updates for 2010-12-10
- ♺ @thistleweb apparently #wikileaks nxt leak was about #Visa and #Mastercard hang on, didn’t they just cut !wl off? http://bit.ly/fQdqjF #
- RT @glynmoody CERN Library releases its book catalog into the public domain via CC0, and other bibliographic data news – http://bit.ly/d … #
- RT @schestowitz Assange Lawyers Prepare for U.S. Spying Indictment http://is.gd/iuOdZ #torrent has #theJulian insurance package #
- RT @jwildeboer Why Googles ChromeOS is NOT Linux http://is.gd/ivQ6U No freedom to tinker, not even basic functionality like installing o … #
- RT @rejon RT @davelab6 @rejon SVG will soon start appearing in Goog Images results! #
- RT @evan They came for BonsaiKitten.com; I didn’t speak up. They came for Wikileaks; I didn’t speak up. When they came for me, I couldn’ … #
- @evan: BonsaiKitten.com was nixed ? Dude! That’s like… when the Taliban took down the Afghan giant statues! #
- RT @schestowitz ♻ @hazzy “Ron Paul Vigorously Defends WikiLeaks” | http://is.gd/iw8XM #
- @mlinksva: Tron #
- @bugabundo: boa! #
- RT @mlinksva RT @johnsu01 New US cybersecurity bill could threaten free software: http://ur1.ca/2k7bp !fsf !gnu !lp #
- RT @wikileaks2 Cablegate: Pope wanted Muslim Turkey kept out of EU | http://is.gd/iwkXm !wl #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-12-09
- RT @jmcesteves #cablegate RT @glynwintle Opinion: Wikileaks has committed no US crime http://is.gd/ipG6C via @davidallengreen #
- RT @wikileaks2 Support Wikileaks: sign the Avaaz petition: http://is.gd/iraFX !wl #
- While my inner child cheers Anonymous payback ddos attacks, grown up me knows they’re bad, hurt more than help the cause and condemns them. #
- @lxoliva: The most Important customers of those people are unaffected by coward ddos attacks. Only we, the ‘little’ people. #
- @lxoliva: hardly comparable to a war, no? Deserves a protest for sure, but resorting to this? #
- RT @robmyers Google Books’s NC notice at the front of scans of PD books is galling. #
- Anyone knows what’s the status of Portuguese law project 421/XI? Not decayed yet? Approved? Failed? #
- @lxoliva I’m sure them and us are the more *visible* customers, but I have doubts we’re the most important ones for Paypal. #
- ♺ @carlopiana: Bye PayPal – a protest against attempts to tame Freedom of Speech by illegal private acts http://piana.eu/paypal #wikileaks #
- @lxoliva When you say it’s war, you’re diminishing the significance of war. You could say “war on truth”, but generic war? Nopes. #
- @lxoliva hello? Are you really comparing real people getting killed with one person getting screwed by corrupt governments? #
- ♺ @wikileaks2: Brazilian President Lula speaks out in defence of Wikileaks: http://bit.ly/foaWa5 !wl #
- @lxoliva they want to silence Assange as a scapegoat to scare off other leakers of confidential information which may embarass them. #
- @lxoliva That information happened to include hiding that they killed innocent people, which is an embarassment. #
- @lxoliva But the objective is not “to keep on killing”, just to keep their oligarchy running undisturbed. #
- Hell, why did nobody tell me that TWO, not just one, political parties had TWO proposals for Open Standards for debate today? #
- BAH! Pissed off. I can’t do it all. #
- Ao PSD: O Microsoft OOXML nao e uma norma aberta! #
- RT @wikileaks2 The #cablegate stories they tried to censor: Shell has people in every Nigerian ministry http://is.gd/irYEd !wl #
- Ok, two law projects and one recommendation (no teeth) #
- ♺ @wikileaks2: Wikipedia editors delete list of Wikileaks Mirrors | http://is.gd/is7vG !wl #
- [PT] Two laws on Open Standards approved http://tek.sapo.pt/noticias/computadores/parlamento_aprova_na_generalidade_adopcao_de_1112259.html #
- They have been approved in general, now there will be a discussion and votes on detailed change proposals. #
- Congratulations go to BE and PCP for having submitted laws pointing to the right direction, now we only need to merge and fix issues. #
- RT @karsten ASF resigns from Java Executive Committee http://s.apache.org/JCPIsDead #
- RT @schestowitz Lieberman Introduces New Censorship Bill In Kneejerk Response To !Wikileaks http://is.gd/istpW they have also arranged a … #