- 2^5+2 #
- Gosh, was my last status too cryptic? 🙂 #
- Another hint for what 2^5+2 means to me ♺ @glynmoody: June 23, 1912: Computer Pioneer Alan Turing Born – http://bit.ly/a1CLWf #
- Public Domain robbed by USA Congress #copyright ♺ @jwildeboer: http://is.gd/d0cVQ ouch. Hope this will cause some decent protest. #
- ♺ @kirschner: “Gno” and “Gyes” campaigns – About positive !freesoftware campaigning http://is.gd/d0Edq !fsfe !fsf #
- ♺ @webmink: Delighted that my son decided to take my Ubuntu netbook on holiday to stay in touch… #
- @lxoliva I think you got it upside down, for a moment. @webmink *did* say «a welcome article» focusing on the positive campaigning !fsf does #
- @dneary To me, more than labels, they’re two PoVs over the same thing. Sadly, some advocates from both sides are trigger happy. #
- @dneary More sadly even, some rare few appear to enjoy triggering reactions, the more violent the better, on others. #
- ♺ @dneary: @ruiseabra Labels, perspectives, whatever. It’s the same thing. The enemy of FS is not OS, it’s proprietary software. #
- @dneary a few years back, a right-wing portuguese MP described free software with the FSF definition as explained practicalities w/ OSS def. #
- s/as explained/and explained/ #
- É fantástico ver o Jorge Lacão defender um mecanismo fascizóide de espionagem dos cidadãos #chipespiaopramimnão Espero que PSD ñ virecasaca #
- Cidadãos: telefonem aos vossos deputados a solicitar a revogação do #chipespiao #
- Não percebo este #PS, é lei de #censura (109/2009 – #cibercrime), é leis de espionagem de cidadãos (#chipespiao). Quem viu e quem vê, hein? #
- @lxoliva and any donation made by such hypocritical donors is used against them by the !fsf in a true Faustian way 🙂 #
- Thanks for nothing, libcurl+libnss in !fedora 12 and 13 sigsegvs establishing an https socket. #
- @lxoliva @openuniverse it would help if you stopped equating !opensource with people like those. I’d love more bridges, not less. #
- Is it me, or is it #KDE there in Leverage S03E02? 🙂 #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Huge Victory: Court Rules For YouTube Against Viacom http://bit.ly/9psa11 fantastic but let’s get appeal done bfr celebrating #
- Sent a patch to Michael Clark from json-c so this library uses long long int instead of just int in it’s integer type. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-22
- @glynmoody: What does that Monsanto ruling mean? Never payed much attention to it… #
- @glynmoody: Thanks for the gist of it. I’m under GPRS so browsing is both slow and costly 🙂 #
- Parabéns à iniciativa pela criptografia em Português: http://www.cripto.info/ #OpenPGP #crypto #privacy #
- ♺ @glynmoody: #WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange breaks cover but will avoid America – http://bit.ly/avu5Mm new stuff on its way #
- @glynmoody Jualian Assange is not safe WRT some #CIA #rendition #blackops action, no matter how much he’ll avoid the USA. #
- @schestowitz you know who @crispassinato is? #
- @schestowitz well, flagged and blocked, now… #
- Olha o @nunomarkl a almocar na esplanada do Origami… Bom apetite! #
- @osamak: a bug finding tool !gnu #
- s/btg/bug/g !gnu #
- Today a lift I was inside of fell 4 floors until it was stopped by means of reaching the bottom. Fortunately breaks were always on. #
- Not really scared 1: nothing I could do would help, 2: relatively slow fall, 3: real panic was only the doubt about the counter weight… #
- ♺ @renata: !creativecommons Catalyst Grants update: Scroll down, read amazing projects http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Grants Donate now! 🙂 #
- Not sure whether to sleep (eventually) or watch six episodes in a row of Happy Town… #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-21
- @stephwho: you wouldn’t dare 🙂 #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Apple, IBM, Adobe, Citrix others sued over swpat http://bit.ly/8X6eNf ‘controlling operation of workstations within network’ #
- @sandersch: probably just as locked, sadly. #
- @sandersch: no, the Nokia device. Would love if it carried hw supported well enough with !freesoftware but will likely be as locked, if!more #
- ♺ @fontana: Next possible date for #Bilski #SCOTUS decision is Thursday 24 June #swpat #
- @reality: does a bit less than gtk, which explains a lot about it. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-20
- @lefty: I think that matters little compared to other dynamics at the operator level. !freesoftware goes against the interest of many. #
- @lefty: only with proprietary drivers, though. 🙁 you know if moorestown will be any better in that regard? #
- Fuck! ♺ @JMF1957: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Barak off to US for Iran talks: American, Israeli warships reportedly cross Suez. http://bit.ly/badkNx #
- @lefty: incremental better than nothing. But if u never complain about other half u’ll never get it. Glad some remind us we’re not there yet #
- @lefty: that has not been the pattern so far. exceptions here and there, but overall we have improved, so I don’t buy your pessimism. #
- @jmcesteves: are you saying, then, that it is a normal action ? #
- ♺ @mvalente: Aparentemente ninguém grama as vuvuzelas. Mas então "apitam" sozinhas ou há uma sociedade secreta de apita-vuvuzelas? #
- @lefty: I don’t see GNOME fits those devices, maybe I’m stoopid or missed some sikrit. #
- @lefty: that’s a matter of money and alliances. #
- @lefty: I know about them, I just don’t think they got what it takes and I don’t see them getting it. #
- @lxoliva: hehe thanks 🙂 #
- @lefty: and still you don’t see the missing money link ? #
- #chipespiaop4amimnao ♺ @Publico: CDS-PP junta-se à oposição e vai propor a revogação dos chips automóveis no Parlamento http://is.gd/cWdNa #
- Acho admiravel como alguns ficam tao ofendidos por Saramago ter ‘cuspido’ em Portugal. Isso e’ nacionalismo bacoco. Critique-se a obra! #
- Goste-se ou nao, faz mais sentido dizer-se porque nao se gostou do q refugiar a ignorancia na ofensa barata! #
- Mesma classeo, sim♺ @joaomiranda: @RuiSeabra É o mesmo nacionalismo bacoco que deu origem a um Panteão Nacional onde querem meter o Saramago #
- Azores parliament recommends regional government to facilitate adoption of Free Software http://is.gd/cWw3E #
- @GabrielfSilva: o problema e q e’ ingenuidade pensar q consegue aproveitar as poucas vantagens sem a bagagem toda das mas,e muitas perigosas #
- ♺ @olpc: Uruguay’s Plan Ceibal orders 90,000 #OLPC XO notebooks with bigger keyboard for secondary school student sized hands. ur1.ca/0a9fi #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-19
- @brubaker: wtf ? you compare an excellent adaptation with two junk movies ? in the same class? #
- ♺ @brubaker: History of Violence was a great film. But then, it’s Cronenberg, so it has an advantage. Also, a great script. #
- ♺ @zoobab: Consensus-Oriented Specification System, by Pieter Hintjens, mentions patents and OOXML fraud: http://ur1.ca/09wtp #
- As expected ♺ @bigbrovar: powerful comment from a member of the #maemo community. someone who should know http://is.gd/cVIvB Nokia missteps #
- @jdub: not really, unless made by truly unbiased people, as recognized by both parties, who understand the issue. Else, it’s self serving. #
- @jdub: a really whiny and truly biased one was made up by @lefty some time ago. Not a good example, and a bridge burner. Mind what you wish. #
- @schestowitz: meego and freedom? not really… #
- @schestowitz: I compare android and meego with !openmoko WRT freedom.Both the formers are quite in the ‘lacking’ category. #
- @jdub: Perhaps I do. But then… I don’t like injustice and react to it. Not enough cold blood in the veins? Maybe. #
- But then… I try to walk the talk. Been posting from !elmdentica in !openmoko !freerunner running !shrproject with gprs. Main phone, too! #
- @crispassinato: who are you ? #
- @lefty: Like talking about yourself in the third person a little bit too much, dude. #
- @RuiSeabra: any chance you could replace the graphic card? Years ago I destroyed an nvidia graphics card I bought, in protest. Replaced it. #
- @lefty: Sure, and I’m glad I, at least, make you laugh, dude. #
- @lefty: That’s more of a problem with gtk and current hw, I think. E17 works much better with low resources hw. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-18
- ♺ @mind_booster: Liked "IMPORTANT: twitter is postponing the OAuth switch over to august 16, 2010 http://ff.im/mfSrk #
- @mind_booster: #oauth is worse than worthless for client apps. basic auth should be kept under https. Do you hear me, @raffi? #fail #
- @hub: That and the hugely expensive price tag. #
- @hub: my !freerunner works. some big hw issues but still my main phone. #
- @rlafuente Há um bug não 100% identificado que causa um lock-up daquilo, já está no ar. #
- @jzb most I’ve seen complaining couldn’t care less for people’s software freedom and only wish to discuss technical merit. Not !fsf mission. #
- @rlafuente not yet mas vão haver… #
- @rlafuente estilo hackdays tens o @codebits 🙂 #
- Pena 🙁 ♺ @presidencia: Presidente da República enviou condolências pela morte do escritor José Saramago http://bit.ly/bV8sly #
- ♺ @glynmoody: EU’s Standard Failure on Standards – http://bit.ly/dbAhvL disgraceful bias against #opensource #standards #eu #
- Damn #worldcup not over yet? Sigh… #
- 20 milhões de Euros em Tinteiros? E a crise, pá? http://www.base.gov.pt/_layouts/ccp/AjusteDirecto/Detail.aspx?idAjusteDirecto=149751 #
- 10.6 Milhões de Eur em impressoras, respectivos acessórios, consumíveis e assistência? E a crise, pá? http://is.gd/cUrbD #
- 8 milhões de Eur para passear num navio? Mais 16 Milhões 1 mês depois? E a crise, pá? http://is.gd/cUrgG http://is.gd/cUrh6 #
- quase 5 Milhões de Eur em Licenças Microsoft só para os Correios? E a crise, pá? http://is.gd/cUt6E #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-17
- @openinformation upgrade to latest release and dare him to try it out for a month 🙂 !ubuntu #
- ♺ @jneves: Hoje, encontro Ubuntu-PT em Lisboa, 18h30: http://3dho.sl.pt #
- LoL near perfect hyperbole of Apple fanboys… ♺ (from too many) The Oatmeal: What it’s like to own an Apple product – http://is.gd/cSxWE #
- WTF? Dia not in !fedora 13 repo?? #
- @rahulsundaram yum search dia doesn’t show it anywhere! #
- @rahulsundaram output is sorted, no dia #
- @rahulsundaram no time to solve this mistery now, already compiled from scratch 🙁 info also shows it, but yum search doesn’t. 🙁 #
- ♺ @fontana: #Bilski is only remaining #SCOTUS case to be decided from November 2009 sitting. Next day for opinions’s Monday 21 June. #swpats #
- At a nice meeting with @lopo and other fine people. #
- Noticing an increase in spam/vírus emails targeted to !freesoftware developers (for now, emails talking about “changelog” — which aren’t). #
- @rahulsundaram yeah, yum clean all fixed it, though, dia in !fedora repo for me now as well. #
- Now with whitewash alert! ♺ @anassahmed: Dell removed “safer than Microsoft Windows” from their #Ubuntu Top Ten list: http://dell.com/ubuntu #
- @bkuhn bad link! #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-16
- Tou? Tou xim? ♺ @JNegocios: PSD propõe possibilidade de acumular salário com parte do subsídio de desemprego http://xl.pt/r/cTFZXm #
- Outro "acidente"? ♺ @JNegocios: Inscritos nos centros de emprego sofreram maior descida em mais de três anos http://xl.pt/r/cOcXqP #
- ♺ @wikileaks IMMI has passed! The Icelandic government unanimously supports press freedoms and will put IMMI into law! More soon #
- ♺ @bjunior: EU’s president talks about the risk of ‘democracy collapse’ in GR, PT and SP. perfect timing #worldcup http://goo.gl/TBGB #irony #
- @carlopiana: #gwibber should use the keyring! #
- ♺ @glynmoody: What will Iceland’s new media laws mean for journalists? – http://bit.ly/aPI2ou useful first analysis #iceland #journalism #
- ♺ @dmaphy: ♺ @robmyers: RT @mattl Sign the FSF petition against ACTA — Freedom, not compromise — http://ur1.ca/0819e !fsf !gnu !lp !dbd #
- Damn, sorry for the group spam, even if for a good cause… #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-15
- @stephwho: is that per capita ? and still bad ? #
- @rahulsundaram: but from the end of June onwards Pino will have to implement bullshit security #oauth in order to work with twitter. #
- @rahulsundaram: well, I plan to drop support for twitter then, in !elmdentica, as they drop support for client applications w’out #oauth. #
- @rahulsundaram: and I refuse to use any client application that implements #oauth to get to twitter. Bad protocol, deserves no support. #
- @stephwho: ouch. but still a bit more than the average in Portugal. Perhaps more than fifty per cent higher, not sure of the value. #
- @glynmoody: techdirt as well. Twitter is going down the drain. #
- ♺ @jerezim: @FFII backs Parliament Written Declaration 12/2010 on ACTA http://ur1.ca/07ntb Call n0W! #ACTA #wd12 #
- @ whoeveriscallingme: At a boring all-day meeting, will call you back when I can, you can send me email… #
- There must be… someway out of here… #
- May $DEITY bless nearby power plugs and 3G data cards… sad I forgot my development disk at home… 🙁 #
- @sandersch 🙂 #
- Hasn’t it yet? ♺ @glynmoody: Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason – http://bit.ly/cCHVU5 not new, but shocking: is America going bonkers? #
- OMG… how I hate being in here… #
- ♺ @glynmoody: EU Written declaration 2010/29 is “extending Data Retention Directive cover search engines” fight it – http://bit.ly/c1c68U #
- @rlafuente depende das datas 🙂 #
- @rlafuente pois, mas “sábado” != disponível para 600km de viagem #
- @rlafuente eu sei 😐 #
- In an extremely foul mood, decided to be as rude as possible replying to stupid people who keep confusing someone’s gmail with mine. #
- @rahulsundaram you’re not reading @bkuhn’s message: «any org that puts acquisition of wealth above all other imperatives» #
- @rahulsundaram which is the definition of a commercial org that has shareholders, at least in the USA, for instance. #
- @rahulsundaram I’m not wearing blinders, I’m pointing out that you’re missing a big point and as such unnecessary confusion and argument. #
- @rahulsundaram but it is indeed safe to assume that for profit companies work and react like lizzards, centered on food (profit) and danger. #
- @rahulsundaram where danger is “competition” #
- @rahulsundaram where danger is anything that reduces food and safety (like competition). Profit quickly escalates to profit at any cost. #
- @carlg I don’t know about Canada, but a company with shareholders has the legal obligation to increase their profit, in the USA. #
- @rahulsundaram you are right, however the relation is not one of equivalency. NPO doesn’t mean more trustworthy, but PO makes it less so. #
- In Prolog (lest I forgot too much of it) PO(A) :- less_trustworthy(A). NPO(A) :- !,trustworthy(A). NPO(A) :- less_trustworthy(A). #
- I agree ♺ @rahulsundaram: pointing that Fedora’s played that role more effectively than OSI and if list was OSI’s primary objective, failed #
- Sorry for the contraption of text, @rahulsundaram 🙁 #
- @rahulsundaram I think that’s on the #tasklist of @webmink, somehow 🙂 #
- @jwildeboer Listening to Janis Joplin? 😉 #
- ♺ @pvilela: Lançada edição 12 Revista BrOffice.org (OpenOffice.org n Brasil) http://broffice.org/revista entrevista Rui Fernandes do OOoPT #
- Any recommendation on a C library for json parsing that’s widely available in !GNU !Linux distributions, specially !openembedded ? #
- @bruce89 thanks, will check json-glib out. why would you doubt GObject could be acceptable? Any particular reason? #
- @brandonrunyon thanks, will check it out and probably compare with json-glib #
- json-c seems more promising for bringing less bagage… #
- json-c it is, it carries a lot less baggage than glib-json and was quite quick to get the gist of the api. #
- I like, but it’s perhaps too erudite for masses ♺ @smaffulli: Do you like the new sticker from Defective by Design? http://is.gd/cQEMy !dbd #
- ♺ @glynmoody: Assassinate a Pop Star By Illegally Downloading #Music – http://bit.ly/at3O79 don’t they realise this is rather fun? #piracy #
- Bye bye #libxml in !elmdentica, welcome json-c (much, much simpler). #
Identi.ca Updates for 2010-06-14
- @GabrielfSilva: sera um dia de festa. oposicao contra em bloco pode fazer acontecer! #chipespiaoparamimnao #
- lol ♺ @glynmoody: Music industry lobbyist calls for death penalty for #piracy – http://bit.ly/cjztF3 give them enough rope.. #
- this means she’s in favour of #swpat ♺ @zoobab Neelie Kroes not against software patents in standards: http://ur1.ca/06nxm #
- Concordo! ♺ @GabrielfSilva: @RuiSeabra o site do parlamento é uma grande confusão, não encontro os projectos de lei de revogação anunciados #
- @bkuhn: yeah when I speak about !freesoftware I usually explain that it’s not the immaterial bits that need freedom it’s you,’audience’ #
- @bkuhn all that’s at supremecourt.gov right now won’t be appended anymore today? #
- ♺ @mind_booster: New sticker contest winning design | DefectiveByDesign.org http://ff.im/m2Gav #
- WRT calling just Linux to a GNU+Linux I just wish defenders of the former to be consistent and say Mach rather than MacOS. And less rabid. #