Article note: Now, there’s a bunch of Sherlocks! Now what?
An anonymous reader writes “The Electronic Frontier Foundation reports that the United Nations has finally come to the realization that there is a direct relationship between government surveillance online and citizens’ freedom of expression. The report (PDF) says, ‘The right to privacy is often understood as an essential requirement for the realization of the right to freedom of expression. Undue interference with individuals’ privacy can both directly and indirectly limit the free development and exchange of ideas. An infringement upon one right can be both the cause and consequence of an infringement upon the other.’ The EFF adds, ‘La Rue’s landmark report could not come at a better time. The explosion of online expression we’ve seen in the past decade is now being followed by an explosion of communications surveillance. For many, the Internet and mobile telephony are no longer platforms where private communication is shielded from governments knowing when, where, and with whom a communication has occurred.'”
Article note: Now, there’s a bunch of Sherlocks! Now what?
An anonymous reader writes “The Electronic Frontier Foundation reports that the United Nations has finally come to the realization that there is a direct relationship between government surveillance online and citizens’ freedom of expression. The report (PDF) says, ‘The right to privacy is often understood as an essential requirement for the realization of the right to freedom of expression. Undue interference with individuals’ privacy can both directly and indirectly limit the free development and exchange of ideas. An infringement upon one right can be both the cause and consequence of an infringement upon the other.’ The EFF adds, ‘La Rue’s landmark report could not come at a better time. The explosion of online expression we’ve seen in the past decade is now being followed by an explosion of communications surveillance. For many, the Internet and mobile telephony are no longer platforms where private communication is shielded from governments knowing when, where, and with whom a communication has occurred.'”
WTF? FirefoxOS uses Bing as default search provider?
Yuck, I must fix that. Finally after almost a week I have had some time for me and that’s the first thing I must fix. Thanks to the very helpful comment from Mathieu in this blog post, I wrote a very small shell script that replaces the search provider to your favorite one, defaulting to Google.
It uses sudo for the privileged commands but doesn’t need to completely run as root. Its your choice, run ./ or sudo ./ taking as optional arguments (in this order), the Title, the URL and it’s Favicon url. Miss one and the Google default will be used 🙂 eg:
First, it sets the options, then starts adb-server and fetches the browser application (note that you need the android-tools package in Fedora or the Android SDK):
Finally, it rebuilds the browser application and pushes it back to the phone and reboots it (it shouldn’t need a reboot, maybe there’s a way to avoid this?):
zip -fr ../ .
cd ..
sudo adb remount
sudo adb push \
sudo adb reboot
To the extent possible under law, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Fix FirefoxOS Default Search Provider. This work is published from Portugal.
New submitter Mistakill writes “It seems the case against Kim Dotcom for the NZ Police isn’t going well, with Kim Dotcom scoring another victory in his legal battles. Police have been told they must search everything they seized from Dotcom and hand back what is not relevant to the U.S. extradition claims. Justice Helen Winkelmann told police their complaints about the cost and time of the exercise were effectively their own fault for indiscriminately seizing material in the first place. She wrote, ‘The warrants could not authorize the permanent seizure of hard drives and digital materials against the possibility that they might contain relevant material, with no obligation to check them for relevance. They could not authorize the shipping offshore of those hard drives with no check to see if they contained relevant material. Nor could they authorize keeping the plaintiffs out of their own information, including information irrelevant to the offenses.'”
New submitter Mistakill writes “It seems the case against Kim Dotcom for the NZ Police isn’t going well, with Kim Dotcom scoring another victory in his legal battles. Police have been told they must search everything they seized from Dotcom and hand back what is not relevant to the U.S. extradition claims. Justice Helen Winkelmann told police their complaints about the cost and time of the exercise were effectively their own fault for indiscriminately seizing material in the first place. She wrote, ‘The warrants could not authorize the permanent seizure of hard drives and digital materials against the possibility that they might contain relevant material, with no obligation to check them for relevance. They could not authorize the shipping offshore of those hard drives with no check to see if they contained relevant material. Nor could they authorize keeping the plaintiffs out of their own information, including information irrelevant to the offenses.'”
Só serve para entidades totalmente obsoletas que representam outras entidades totalmente obsoletas levarem a cabo circos baseados em propriedade imaginária prejudicando muito mais gente do que aquela que alegam ser prejudicada.
Já agora, é melhor a ACAPOR ir atrás dos supermercados uma vez que facilitam às pessoas meios para obter snacks a um custo muito mais atrativo do que os que eram vendidos nos clubes de vídeo (e segundo consta, das suas maiores receitas nos últimos tempos antes de se tornarem obsoletos).
Sinceramente, a ACAPOR já devia era ter encerrado as portas. Não me lembro de ver um clube de vídeo aberto e, curiosamente, via mais clubes de vídeo abertos antes da TV On Demand.
Pois é, mas ir atrás da PT, SONAE e Vodaphone nos tribunais é um processo mais incerto do que ir atrás de pequenos portugueses que vivem em comunidade.
Apesar de infelizmente inválida para a apresentação a órgãos oficiais, se tiver MUITAS assinaturas pode ser que os deputados votem por medidas que devolvam justiça ao direito de autor, já há muito desequilibrado em favor dos titulares de direitos (que normalmente nem são os autores nem os artistas mas as suas editoras).
Primeira conferência internacional sobre propriedade intelectual trouxe a Lisboa investidores, hackers e criadores para discutir a liberalização da partilha na rede.
Primeira conferência internacional sobre propriedade intelectual trouxe a Lisboa investidores, hackers e criadores para discutir a liberalização da partilha na rede.