Big waves at Hell’s Mouth, Cascais #bocadoinferno #photos

Yesterday, a calmer second day of unusually bad weather here in Portugal even for the time of the year, we went to a place just west of Cascais called Hell’s Mouth, better yet Boca do Inferno, which is a very aggressive (to put it mildly) part of the coast.

Indeed it was so bad that most of it was locked down so people couldn’t go to the more interesting spots, and they did well to do that as some of the waves hitting the coast climbed up a couple of dozens of meters up swallowing huge rocks completely.

Anyone caught by one of those would surely die.

For some reason the camera on my phone thought sepia like would be a good adaptation to the light. I disagree, but still sepia ended up looking nice enough.

#ACAPOR poderá ter violado direitos humanos…

The hunt for people who share culture and knowledge online violates article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, the most important Bill-of-Rights on the planet, according to no other court than the highest court of the land, superseding Supreme Courts and Constitutions: The European Court of Human Rights.

Não foi a ACAPOR que andou à caça de pessoas que partilhassem (esse elevado valor moral e cristão) ficheiros?

Colecionando grandes listas de IPs, na expectativa que a Polícia Judiciária se comportasse como a PIDE? 🙂

Levaram com um grande arquivo, mas não sei se com esta decisão não deveriam levar era com uma grande acusação do Ministério Público!

#EU #Copyright consultation model responses, very useful to help you reply

Some of you may know that the European Comission is having a public consultation inviting all interested parties to offer their thoughts on how the european copyright rules should evolve.

This has been going on since the 5th of December and will go on until the 5th of February, in 2014, which is but a month and a half ahead.

It has 80 questions and looks very daunting specially for people who only care about a few issues on copyright, and others don’t care at all.

You don’t have to reply to all, but if you want to help some part of it evolve positively, rather than the negative way it has evolved these past decades, having a map is very, very useful.

You may want to take up on the suggestions and expand your views but, as Amelia Andersdotter says, «The  Commission is more likely to take your views into account if you present  your position in your own words!», so grab some help, sure, but please to to write your own text to those issues that matter the most to you rather than just copying the suggestions to all 80 questions.

If they’re strong enough already you can just use the map in order to go straight to the questions that matter the most to you, but please participate.

It is very important that the European Comission knows what it’s citizens and organizations think of this matter, because otherwise they only hear for paid lobbyists, and you might have seen how bad it has been:

  • DRM is emptying you of your rights to lend and format shift works
  • Quasi-eternal copyright durations prevent you from creating original artworks derived from things that happened during your own lifetime
  • Drying the well of the public domain
  • Persecution of people sharing their favorite artworks with their friends and family
  • There are greedy people who want to charge you money for the disks where you store your home pictures, movies, work, your cellphone, your tablet, your computer, all just in case you make a lawful copy which should be your right, anyways, and not merely a copyright exception
  • Songs like “Happy birthday” are in a copyright mess, did you know about that?

Amelia Andersdotter, MPE, Pirat PartietAmelia Andersdotter is a Member of the European Parliament, elected via the Pirate Party and has a nice map filled with suggestions, should you feel like borrowing some fine words to help you explain what you feel while replying to the consultation.

Please do so, it is very important that you help, because then the European Commission needs to understand that this is a very important issue that matters to a lot of people and they’re the only ones who can start a legislative package of copyright reform.

Querido Pai Natal (parte 2), por #AGECOP, #PL118

O que segue abaixo é a transcrição de cerca de 18 minutos da recente audiência da AGECOP no parlamento, perante a CECC. É intercalada por comentários meus, bem como todas as marcas de cor ou negritos ou bolds que eu tomei a liberdade de marcar para salientar pontos importantes.

Como é bastante longo, coloquei uma marca de “more” para não assustar quem abre a primeira página do meu blog. Continue reading “Querido Pai Natal (parte 2), por #AGECOP, #PL118”

Querido Pai Natal, por #AGECOP #PL118

A Agência para a Cópia Privada, AGECOP, ou rendeiros mor, foi ao Parlamento apresentar à CECC a sua lista de presentes que enviou ao Pai Natal:


  • discos hd (bluray [virgens, para gravação])
  • memórias USB
  • cartões de memória
  • discos rígidos externos
  • computadores fixos
  • computadores portáteis
  • tablets
  • consolas de jogos
  • leitores mp3/mp4
  • set-top boxes com disco rígido
  • tv com disco rígido
  • tv com gravador de dvd
  • sistema de som com disco rígido
  • sistema de som com gravador de dvd
  • leitor de dvd/blue-ray com disco rígido
  • leitor de dvd/blue-ray comgravador de dvd
  • smart-mobilephones com memória interna
  • smart-mobilephones com slot para cartão de memória
  • smart-mobilephones com memória interna e com slot para cartão de memória

A lógica destes rendeiros é que já que a renda à base de DVD’s, CD’s, cassetes áudio e vídeo diminuiu 90% e a lista acima aumentou 8000%, então sentem-se muito injustiçados e pretendem expandir a renda para passar a incluir aparelhos (a negrito) cuja capacidade de armazenar cópias privadas não passa de um mero acaso derivado de que no mundo digital tudo são ficheiros e que está longe de ser a função principal dos mesmos. É negligenciável e apenas tem cabimento na ganância.

Sobre os restantes (não negrito) não se pode dizer que a possibilidade de armazenar ou realizar cópias privadas seja negligenciável, mas ainda assim está longe de ser a principal.

Em suma,

Querido Pai Natal,

A renda que nos deu em 2004 não chega, queremos mais.

Ass. Rendeiros

Aposto que aqui a Inês de Medeiros foi só elogios e compreensão com os coitadinhos…

Wake up, people, #ACTA is back! #TAFTA #TTIP

Shame on the European Commission, rejection like ACTA had does not change in a few months. If you tried again ten years later, I could understand, but this?

Do you really lick your corporate overlords arses that much?

Come the fuck on…

European Commission Admits It Plans To Put ‘Corporate Christmas List’ Of IP Demands Into TAFTA/TTIP | Techdirt Lite

Portuguese Supreme Court: pubs can play loud music from TV without paying additional rent

Portuguese Supreme Court: pubs can play loud music from TV without paying additional rent to copyright maximalists, confirming lower court sentence.

Copyright maximalists will appeal to EU Court of Justice.

I so wish their racket also gets screwed by EUCJ… 🙂

The decision rules that adding loud speakers to a TV does not constitute a new broadcast so there is no applicable tax.

Recycling is good, but you’re doing it wrong

So the City Hall of Lisboa decided to dedicate some days of the week to pick up different kinds of trash. Two days it’s plastic, once a week it’s paper, and three times it’s common garbage. Glass is still deposited on the street containers, but the rest is on dedicated baskets per building.

In our’s, on the 3rd sub level, are two baskets. One for paper and one for plastics. As I went there this morning to put some papers in its basket I saw this deplorable scene, showing that one neighbor in particular is very disrespectful not only of his neighbors, but also of the poor guy who has to take the baskets out.

PANO_20131215_121100 PANO_20131215_121129 SAMSUNGI scrubbed the card boxes until I found two with the address of the culprit, wrote him a message and placed it in his inbox, falling out for all to see.

The messages goes like this:

Like it? Neither do we!

Garbage in volume is picked at no cost by the city hall! 217706030

Meanwhile, use your basement storeroom or your house to store the crap you made on -3