- @PauloTrezentos estou aqui na CM, e apesar de não conseguirmos falar contigo, vou levar uns tantos CDs. O que não for usado devolve-se! #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-10-05
- Allright, electrical circuit “surgery” is going A-OK! #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-10-02
- Dear #lazyweb Anyone knows of a good description based tool for drawing complex network diagrams? (not GUI, folks!) #
- @jwildeboer dia doesn’t quite cut it for hundreds of equipments, and it’s xml is way too complicated for automatic generation. #
- @jwildeboer and I know… I use it already, but GUI tools aren’t manageable for lots of equipments and services. #
- Olha que t-shirts giras… http://www.cafepress.com/irreverente #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-09-30
- @bugabundo isso são horas de contar com alguém acordado? 🙂 #
- Here Comes Another Bubble http://openvideo.dailymotion.com/video/xanm5q (em #Ogg) #
- Trying to watch an Ogg video at dailymotion with #shiretoko on !ubuntu #jaunty and it doesn’t play! http://is.gd/3OwWk any hints? #
- @slytherin I’m sure it was an ogv when I uploaded it, and openvideo.dailymotion is supposed to use html5 and ogg to play. !ubuntu #
- @bugabundo o que é que tem a processar? já foi submetido em ogv caraças 🙁 #
- @slytherin but I still don’t see it with firefox-3.5 🙁 !ubuntu #
- @slytherin I’m going to ask DailyMotion, this sucks 😛 #
- Fundamental Paradigm Shift (for most people): I Read Your Email (wonderful t-shirt) is a fact unless you use encryption. Don’t be a sucker. #
- Será que a @presidencia envia email não cifrado? E recebe não-cifrado? E usa POP3? Ou IMAP? Ou a merda do Microsoft Exchange? Suckers! #
- Well, I’ve complained about OpenVideo not working, with the DailyMotion contact. Thanks for your help guys! !ubuntu #
- @jwildeboer could you give some pointers on #zcs at EU directives or something similar? I don’t think we have that in Portugal… #
- @jwildeboer yes! #
- !freerunner failing me when I most need it. Murphy’s looking upon me, for sure. #
- Certo é os utentes ficarão a perder ♻ @siconline Destino do IPO no centro da discussão da campanha eleitoral em Lisboa http://ow.ly/s1KE #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-09-29
- @jwildeboer oh my, #TAPfail cost them about 10 million € (the news said somewhare) and they want to loose more by not helping customers.nice #
- Limpeza de fantasmas levaria a -1 deputado no PS e no CDS e +2 no BE http://is.gd/3MDPI Isto é grave, meus senhores #e09 #fail #
- E isto independentemente dos partidos. #
- @jwildeboer ROTFL (thanks to youtube-dl and mplayer) 🙂 #
- Alguém quer enviar uns CD’s live de Software Livre ao Presidente da República? Provavelmente ajudariam a evitar escutas… #
- It seems somebody from Sweden called me. As I don’t know the phone number, if you read this, please call me back. Thanks! #
- over and out #
- Malta, acordem para a vida. O email passa em claro na Internet. Não é assim tão difícil alguém apanhar os seus conteúdos. Usem cifras boas. #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-09-26
- @sandersch yes, we have real beer, Super Bock! Unfortunately we don’t have much variety of quality beers 🙂 #
- @nitrofurano segundo as notícias, a partir de 2011 só se pode utilizar uma versão certificada, o que quer dizer não-livre. #
- @rgrilo http://is.gd/3HxaB «intenção é obrigar as empresas que facturem mais de cem mil euros por ano a usar software certificado pela DGI» #
- Help needed from !fsf people in Portugal. According to news, some free software has been forbidden for fiscal reasons. Details unclear… #
- Outra consequência gira desta idiotice é obrigar as empresas a usar software inseguro e desactualizado. Se não entende, não legisla. Grrr #
- @rgrilo a solução talvez fosse: em vez de proibir, acarretar um ónus diferente. Qual ainda não sei, necessita estudo. #
- @rgrilo exemplo, a alternativa é utilizar papel e caneta, mas isso acarreta um certo ónus. #
- Sou 100% contra a fuga ao fisco, mas também sou 100% contra proibição de Software Livre. #
- @warrenellis gah! what a #freakangel cliffhanger! You guys rock, keep up the good work 🙂 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-09-25
- #e09 ♻ @ANSOL: Novo artigo: Recomendações de Voto para as Legislativas http://bit.ly/jkaRd #
- @jwildeboer Sure, of course I can pick you up at the same spot, outside. Just tell me when you are about to leave the international area. #
- @jwildeboer if I’m not online on XMPP you can just text me. #
- Having beer with @jwildeboer at Radisson Lisboa. We just saw ex-soccer player Figo. #
- Oh look, there’s Figo again… #
- LOL “O tempo de antena do PNR esta a passar na RDP África. Nao sei se terá muito sucesso…” http://ff.im/8F4Q6 #
- Hey, all #Android fans running Cyanogen must be wishing they had invested into a real open phone! http://is.gd/3FOYh !freerunner #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-09-24
- Caught @jwildeboer and @pascal1515 at the airport, and was lucky enough to avoid the huge traffic jam as I got them in time for #linux2009 #
- Feliz dia mundial contra as patentes de software! #ssp09 http://stopsoftwarepatents.org/ http://stopsoftwarepatents.eu/ #
- @jwildeboer bah, it’s luxury items that rock 😉 #
- Where is my prrrrreeeciousss? #
- @jwildeboer and @pascal1505 at the table, waiting for their turn on-stage at #linux2009 #
- O @pascal1505 a explicar de onde vêm os custos de saída da Microsoft: as interdependências incestuosas das suas ferramentas. #
- O @pascal1505 a explicar de onde vêm os custos de saída da Microsoft: as interdependências incestuosas das suas ferramentas. #linux2009 #
- @jwildeboer on stage at #linux2009 U GO, MAN! 🙂 #
- Which was that big video site that recently added #Ogg support? !fsf !gnu #
- @PauloTrezentos também era fixe publicar os cinelerra, qual das licenças CC é? by-sa ? #
- @gnufs that’s it, thanks! Which would you recommend the most? #
- Novell presentation at #linux2009: bla bla bla Microsoft bla bla bla Microsoft .Net bla bla bla licensed Microsoft patents bla bla bla #
- #linux2009 Novell: bla bla bla silverlight bla bla bla Windows bla bla bla moonlight bla bla bla #
- Microsoft pretending it’s interested in interoperability, when it’s the major culprit of lack of interoperability 🙁 #linux2009 #
- Boa @pascal1505 ! Malta, mandem ao sergio.martinho@microsoft.com todos os problemas de interoperabilidade que queiram ver resolvidos 😉 #
- @tonnerre I know, but the Microsoft guy just said that to a big room full of people and @pascal1505 invited people heavily participate 🙂 #
- Pretty women presenting a Free Software business at #linux2009 is a nice improvement, want more of these 🙂 yay for GNU/#LinuxChicks! #
- Bah, Windows desktop not a GNU/#LinuxChick anymore 🙁 #linux2009 #
- Gah, measured my time badly on #linux2009 and then I had to rush on an important part *sigh* #
- ♻@stephenfry it’s awesome how sexy, stylish and enthralling Microsoft’s new ad is http://tr.im/zBUk *vomits quietly into bucket* #
- @jwildeboer whenever you want! #
- @jwildeboer @pascal1505 if you guys need anything due to your flight being cancelled, just give a call #
- Fuck up at Lisbon airport means @jwildeboer is stuck for at least the next 4 hours in the international area, if you were expecting him,wait #
- Flight cancelled, luggage’s who-know-where, and about 16h awake… I don’t envy him! 🙁 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-09-23
- @jwildeboer well, they have a nice quote for my presentation tomorrow 🙂 #
Identi.ca Updates for 2009-09-22
- @lessig DRM costs more than dead trees? Wow! 🙂 #